WebCT for Academic Staff: Workshop outline

The workshop consists of two sessions. Academic staff can choose to go to either or both.

Session 1 (1 hour)


To introduce staff who have never used WebCT to the layout of WebCT so that they are confident in accessing the course and module materials.

By the end of the session you will:

  1. Know how to log into WebCT via different routes including remotely
  2. Have explored the SNMP WebCT course structure
  3. Understand the different views and rights of WebCT users ie Student, Instructor, Teaching Assistant, Auditor
  4. Know how to navigate round WebCT
  5. Use a discussion forum

Session 2 (1.5 hours)


To introduce staff to WebCT functionalities with a view to using some of the tools for e-learning.

By the end of the session you will:

  1. Know how to
    1. upload a document
    2. Insert a web link
    3. Create/embed a discussion forum/blog
  2. Have explored other functionality
    1. Online assessment
    2. Turnitin online submission/plagiarism software
    3. Student management (tracking/selective release)
    4. File management

Workshop timetable