Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
Zeiss LSM 900 with AiryScan 2
The nmRC is host to two Zeiss 900 CLSMs coupled with Airyscan 2.
- Inverted and upright geometries available
- Super-resolution of 140 nm
- 32 circularly arranged detection elements
- Zeiss PALM MicroTweezers - optical tweezers system that allows precise, contact-free cell manipulation
- Linkam CMS196 Cryo-Correlative microscopy stage allowing cryo-confocal imaging
- 3D Z-stack viewing
- Incubator stage for live imaging
- Zen Blue software for flexible workflows
The image below demonstrates the difference between the resolution achieved with standard confocal imaging and the resolution achieved with AiryScan.
The nmRC hosts a BioFluidic Microscope which has the following features:
- Zeiss LSM 980 microscope Airyscan 2 with Multiplex Mode and maximum resolution of 120 nm
- Bruker NanoWizard V Scanning Head
- JPK CellHesion Head with 100 μm Z-range for large and strongly adhesive samples
- CytoSurge Fluid Force Microscope (FluidFM) which uses microsyringe, micropipette, and micro-trap FluidFM cantilevers
- Double-View optics which enables reflected and transmitted lights to be applied simultaneously
- PetriDish Heater - versatile holder for a wide range of 35 mm Petri dishes, including glass-bottom dishes. Heats up to 60˚C
To discuss your requirements please contact nmRC Enquiries.