Researchers at the Universities of Nottingham, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dundee have been funded by the National Institute for Health Research to evaluate two different approaches aimed at improving the safety of prescribing medicines in English general practices and generate NHS policy recommendations. The study is called “PRoTeCT” and further details can be found by clicking on the link below:
As part of this programme of work, the researchers are evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of PINCER when widely implemented in general practices to reduce the prevalence of patients exposed to hazardous prescribing, and the incidence of serious harm.
The PRoTeCT Work Package (WP) 4 research team are looking to identify CCGs and practices who are or have been involved in the rollout of the PINCER intervention across England as they are undertaking a process evaluation of PINCER at short term (less than 6 months), medium term (6-18 months) and/or long term (18+ months) implementation. As part of this evaluation, they are asking CCG and practice staff (for example CCG Medicines Management Leads, Pharmacists, Pharmacy technicians, GPs, Practice Managers, Practice Administrators, IT support staff etc.) to take part by completing a short questionnaire.
If you are interested in taking part or would like any further information, please contact Dr Libby Laing email:
In addition, the PRoTeCT WP4 research team are now at a stage to proceed to workshops in March to explore issues that arose from analysis of previous stakeholder interviews to further facilitate generating recommendations to improve and sustain the use, impact, and reach of PINCER and Clinical Decision Support (CDS) interventions. The workshop will run online via MS Teams and will involve a variety of stakeholders across primary care, including patients and public. This is a fantastic opportunity to discuss sustainability issues for both PINCER and CDS interventions and contribute to prescribing safety in primary care.
The workshops are planned to be held on the following dates and times:
9 March 10am – 12pm
16 March 10am – 12pm
23 March 10am – 12pm
Participants will only need to attend one workshop.
If anyone from your organisation is interested in taking part or would like any further information, please contact Dr Azwa Shamsuddin email:
Applied Health Research Building University Park University of Nottingham Nottingham, NG7 2RD