Centre for Additive Manufacturing
Calculated temperature distribution of Cu droplets deposited on a Cu substrate using MetalJet

Research Challenge 2: Multifunctional AM Computational Modelling Framework

Research Challenge co-leads: Prof Ian Ashcroft and Prof James Sprittles

Aim: To accurately model and simulate multimaterial AL; from constituent materials to multifunctional components.


The essence of AM processes in this Programme is the targeted deposition and solidification of small, carefully controlled amounts of fluid (microdrops or voxels) to build complex structures. Given the complexity of the processes, particularly when multiple materials are present, and the extremely small time and length scales involved, developing and optimising these processes requires accurate quantitative models of both the manufacturing process and the functional performance of the manufactured parts in-service.

The models and computational tools that we are developing are based on the theoretical understanding of the physical and chemical processes involved in AM (fluid dynamics, heat transport, photochemistry, light absorption, polymer rheology, solidification and microstructure formation, dynamic wetting, solid mechanics, etc.) 

Simplified model of a hot liquid metal drop travelling from the printhead to the substrate, with streamlines of argon gas flow and colours showing the temperature RC 2 drop_in_flight_2D_test

Through close collaboration with the experimentalists, our ongoing modelling efforts are yielding applicable results, e.g. reducing the ‘sagging’ of inkjet printed polymers. We are also engaged in modelling two-photon polymerisation and various aspects of MetalJet (droplet cooling in flight and spreading on the surface, solidification, including microstructure formation, and the solid mechanics of solidified droplets).

Multi-droplet impact on a solid surface (underlying mesh evolution shown) RC2-3dDropletMesh-220-146
Volume of fluid and temperature distribution of metaljet droplet impact on a solid surface RC2-solidifying_drop v2


Centre for Additive Manufacturing

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CfAM@nottingham.ac.uk