Low Carbon Energy and Resources Technologies Research Group
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Head of Group
Liu, Hao0115 84 67674Professor of Energy EngineeringEnvelope Icon
McKechnie, Jon0115 74 84435Professor of Engineering SustainabilityEnvelope Icon
Snape, Colin0115 95 14166Director of Engineering Doctorate Centre in Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies andEnvelope Icon
Wu, Yupeng0115 74 84011Chair in Building Physics, Leader for Public EngagementEnvelope Icon
Associate Professors
Irons, Robinn/aAssociate Professor in Chemicalengineering and Fuel SystemsEnvelope Icon
Assistant Professors
Binner, Eleanor0115 74 84960Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Dimitriou, Ioanna0115 748 6839Assistant Professor in Chemical EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Gulec, Fatihn/aAssistant Professor in Chemical and Environmental EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Meredith, Will0115 74 86410Associate Professor & Director of AdmissionsEnvelope Icon
Taylor, Connorn/aAssistant Professor in Chemical and Environmental EngineeringEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Adam, Mohamed0115 95 14080Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Boodhoo, Khivishta07926117611Research engineerEnvelope Icon
Mao, Yujien/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Stevens, Lee0115 74 86406Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Uguna, Clement0115 74 84458Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Zheng, Yaoyaon/aNottingham Anne McLaren FellowEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Administrative Staff
Betts, Charlotten/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Claudian/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Kingsley, Rachael0115 7484712EEE Department CoordinatorEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Postgraduate Students
Alamro, Mohammedn/aPostgraduate studentEnvelope Icon
Duong, Michellen/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon
Ejim, Ikechukwun/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon
Garba, Nura07760317404Envelope Icon
Khairy, Ahmedn/aPhD studentEnvelope Icon
Leung, Wain/aEnvelope Icon
Li, Mengbinn/aPostgraduate studentEnvelope Icon
Liu, Dingmingn/aEnvelope Icon
Pramasari, Dwi Ajiasn/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon
Sansen, Vipadan/aEnvelope Icon
Tang'an, Diretn/aPhD (Chemical Engineering) Candidate - Remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soilsEnvelope Icon
Trichkov, Rosenn/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon
Tuck, Lewisn/aEnvelope Icon
Turabbhai Mohammadi, Murtazan/aEnvelope Icon
WANG, Haominn/aEnvelope Icon
Wilson, Oisinn/aEnvelope Icon
Yang, Xun/aEnvelope Icon
ZHENG, Mengnan/aEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Adam, Mohamed0115 95 14080Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Alamro, Mohammedn/aPostgraduate studentEnvelope Icon


Betts, Charlotten/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Binner, Eleanor0115 74 84960Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Boodhoo, Khivishta07926117611Research engineerEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Claudian/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon


Dimitriou, Ioanna0115 748 6839Assistant Professor in Chemical EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Duong, Michellen/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon


Ejim, Ikechukwun/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon


Garba, Nura07760317404Envelope Icon
Gulec, Fatihn/aAssistant Professor in Chemical and Environmental EngineeringEnvelope Icon


Irons, Robinn/aAssociate Professor in Chemicalengineering and Fuel SystemsEnvelope Icon


Khairy, Ahmedn/aPhD studentEnvelope Icon
Kingsley, Rachael0115 7484712EEE Department CoordinatorEnvelope Icon


Leung, Wain/aEnvelope Icon
Li, Mengbinn/aPostgraduate studentEnvelope Icon
Liu, Dingmingn/aEnvelope Icon
Liu, Hao0115 84 67674Professor of Energy EngineeringEnvelope Icon


Mao, Yujien/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
McKechnie, Jon0115 74 84435Professor of Engineering SustainabilityEnvelope Icon
Meredith, Will0115 74 86410Associate Professor & Director of AdmissionsEnvelope Icon


Pramasari, Dwi Ajiasn/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon


Sansen, Vipadan/aEnvelope Icon
Snape, Colin0115 95 14166Director of Engineering Doctorate Centre in Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies andEnvelope Icon
Stevens, Lee0115 74 86406Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon


Tang'an, Diretn/aPhD (Chemical Engineering) Candidate - Remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soilsEnvelope Icon
Taylor, Connorn/aAssistant Professor in Chemical and Environmental EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Trichkov, Rosenn/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon
Tuck, Lewisn/aEnvelope Icon
Turabbhai Mohammadi, Murtazan/aEnvelope Icon


Uguna, Clement0115 74 84458Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon


WANG, Haominn/aEnvelope Icon
Wilson, Oisinn/aEnvelope Icon
Wu, Yupeng0115 74 84011Chair in Building Physics, Leader for Public EngagementEnvelope Icon


Yang, Xun/aEnvelope Icon


Zheng, Yaoyaon/aNottingham Anne McLaren FellowEnvelope Icon
ZHENG, Mengnan/aEnvelope Icon

Low Carbon Energy and Resources Technologies

Energy Technologies Building
The University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus, NG7 2TU

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 68661