Study What You Love

Study What You Love

There are a mind-blowing 50,000 courses available at UK universities, with many of them in subjects the children will not have thought about, or in some cases even heard of! An interactive introduction to university study, this session gives an idea of the range of courses available and provides an opportunity for children to reflect on their own skills and strengths and try out two new subjects for themselves.

During the session they will work with current university students on hands-on Forensic Science and Archaeology activities. While excavating Mayan artefacts and using evidence, from fingerprints to strands of hair, to solve a crime, the children will also get chance to chat to students about their choice of subjects and think about the importance of studying what you love. 


Is it for you?

  • Suitable for years 3 - 6
  • a 1 hour 15 minute session delivered by 1 member of university staff and up to 4 current university students
  • 1 class per session
  • Requires use of school hall or a large ground floor classroom
  • School staff must be present to supervise children and support activities

Curriculum links

PSHE (From PSHE Association Programme of Study)

  • Recognise positive things about themselves and their achievements; set goals to help achieve personal outcomes.
  • Learn about what might influence people’s decisions about a job or career.
  • Recognise a variety of routes into careers.


  • Understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources
  • Learn about a non-European society that provides a contrast with British History (Mayan civilisation)

Science – working scientifically

  • Gathering, recording, classifying and presenting data in a variety of ways to help in answering questions.
  • Using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings.
  • Reporting on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations, displays or presentations of results and conclusions. 

Further information

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