Department of Sport

Active Trail


What is the Active Trail?

The Active Trail is a 1.7mile journey around University Park Campus connected by five separate workstations.

The Active Trail allows you to perform body weight and callisthenic type exercises either as an individual or as a group. All stations allow for both strength and aerobic exercises targeting the upper, lower body and core, giving you a full body workout.

Each station is installed on a soft rubber surface allowing for safe exercise in all weather conditions. Stations 1, 3 and 4 have large connected pieces of equipment, while Station 2 and 4 have smaller singular options.

Download the Active Trail map



Get involved

You can use the Active Trail for FREE! There is no need for a Sport Membership, simply just show up and get active! The Trail is perfect if you're working out on your own or with a group of friends or with a sports club.


  • Make sure you wear suitable attire for the weather when using the Active Trail.
  • Use of weights' gloves may help with grip in wet weather and also prevent blisters and calluses.
  • To avoid injury please ensure you warm up before using any equipment.
  • If you haven't used the equipment before, we suggest attending one of our classes (details below) to be shown how to exercise safely.
  • Check out the Active Trail map and suggested workouts below for how to use the equipment correctly

You can find plenty of videos covering a range of exercise at the Life Fitness Academy YouTube channel, plus playlists covering activities for every station on the Active Trail.

Suggested exercises

Burpee and tap
Travel across (alternating hands)
Hand walk ups

Plyometric push up

Squat, jump and grab
Knee raise
Travel Across
Hanging Oblique Knee Raise

Single leg squats

Single Step Jumps

University of Nottingham Sport

David Ross Sports Village
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 87000