
Virtual IT support smart bar launched.

Looking for IT support? Virtual Smart Bar is now available
03 June 2020

Collecting belongings from your term-time address

When it comes time to collect belongings from your off-campus term-time address, follow these guidelines to ensure you’re maintaining social distancing.
28 May 2020

Help us improve our International health information.

This opportunity will allow current international students to share their own experience.
28 May 2020

Returning library books

Advice for returning library books, both for students still in Nottingham, and those who have left.
27 May 2020

COVID-19: Student stars

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve seen some heart-warming stories of UoN staff and students working together to support their local communities.
26 May 2020

Collecting your belongings from campus

If you have left belongings in one of our halls of residence on University Park or Jubilee Campus, they will need to be collected by Saturday 7 June.
22 May 2020

Reported phishing attempt

Please be advised of a phishing attempt that has been made to a number of University email accounts.
22 May 2020

Celebrating our Campus Stars #WeAreUoN

We highlight key members of staff who have been on campus keeping essential services running.
20 May 2020

Support for students still in Nottingham

If you’re remaining in the Nottingham area during the coronavirus pandemic and are experiencing hardship or just need a little extra support, there’s lots available to you.
14 May 2020

University Counselling offers online services

The University Counselling Service is a free and confidential service offering support to all University staff and students.
13 May 2020


Student news archive

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353