School of English



EDA (skin response) lets us see how strongly a person is emotionally responding to a linguistic input, while EMG (facial muscle movement) lets us see which emotion they are feeling.

The case study linked below examines the emotional impact of reading an ironic vs a literal comment, as well as the additional influence of including an emoticon in the message.

Download the case study below for more details:

Case Study

The Emotional Impact of Written Irony 


The BioSemi ActiveTwo system allows us to monitor a variety of psychophysiological factors - things like skin-response (‘electro-dermal activity’ or EDA) and muscle movements in the face (‘electroencephalography’ or EMG).

EDA lets us see how strongly a person is emotionally responding to a linguistic input, while EMG lets us see which emotion they are feeling:

  • Are they smiling? :)
  • Or frowning? >:(
  • When are they smiling?
  • Does that ‘clever’ sarcastic comment amuse you, or make you angry?

All of this allows us to investigate the emotional impact of language.








School of English

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900