Gendering Latin American Independence
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Contents of John Rylands Library

Writing by database subjects :

1MemoriasJuan Bautista Alberdi (Figarillo)
2Diario del Gobierno de la República MejicanaAndrés Quintana Roo
3Canto fúnebreJosé Joaquín de Mora
4The ´Detached Recollections' of General D.F. O'LearyDaniel Florence O'Leary
5Discurso ante el Congreso de CúcutaSimón Bolívar
6Extracts from a JournalCaptain Basil Hall
7Extracts from a JournalCaptain Basil Hall
8Extract from a JournalCaptain Basil Hall
9Extract from a JournalCaptain Basil Hall
10Extracts from a JournalCaptain Basil Hall
11Extracts from a JournalCaptain Basil Hall
12Extracts from a JournalCaptain Basil Hall
13Extracts from a JournalCaptain Basil Hall
14Extracts from a JournalCaptain Basil Hall
15Extracts from a Journal Written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820,1821, 1822Captain Basil Hall
16Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America During the Years 1799-1804 Vol.1Alexander Von Humboldt
17Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America during the years 1799-1804, Vol.II.Alexander Von Humboldt
18Sixteen Years in Chile and Peru, From 1822 to 1839.Thomas Sutcliffe
19Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky MountainsGeorge Frederick Augustus Ruxton
20Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and YucatanJohn Lloyd Stephens
21Letters of Robert Anderson, An Artillery Officer in the Mexican War 1846-7Robert Anderson

Gendering Latin American Independence

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