General Use Equipment
Details of equipment available for use in our libraries.
Coloured Overlays
Coloured overlays are available for anybody to borrow from the Lending Desk in all libraries .
They are particularly useful for someone with a print impairment who finds coloured backgrounds useful when reading printed texts.
Adjustable Height Desks
The majority of libraries have adjustable height desks available. The most common desk available is a 'Sit and Stand' manual crank adjustable desk. Some libraries have individual electronically adjustable desks available.
They are very simple in that you turn the handle on the manual crank or press the control button on the electronic desks.
Adjustable height desks can be booked through Click and Study .
Ergonomic Solutions
The following are available in the Assistive Technology Rooms to facilitate users in finding comfortable working positions:
Foot rests
Writing slopes
Wrist support
Assistive Hardware
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