School of Life Sciences

SLIM workshops


SLIM staff run a variety of workshops across a number of subject areas. 

Our image analysis workshops using Fiji are particularly well received (see a wordcloud of feedback to the right). 

Please click on the relevant heading below for fee information and details regarding registration.

The next workshops are scheduled for March 7th/8th ("Introduction to Image Analysis in Fiji") and March 15th ("Introduction to Macro Programming in Fiji").

Both workshops take place in The Medical School, QMC, computer room A36 (located in the Greenfield Medical Librabry - you will need your library card for access).

All days run from 09:30 until 16:30. There will be an hour long lunch break and shorter breaks during the morning and afternoon sessions. 

You’ll be provided with a printed handbook for you to take away, but I suggest you also bring a note paper and a pen. Note that we will be using the computers in the room so you do not need to bring a laptop.

(SoLS staff and students) "Introduction to Image Analysis in Fiji."
(SoLS staff and students) "Introduction to Macro Programming in Fiji"
(UoN, but not SoLS, staff and students) "Introduction to Image Analysis in Fiji."
(UoN, but not SoLS, staff and students) "Introduction to Macro Programming in Fiji"


School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH

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