Professional Development


Qualifications are important in helping to develop and demonstrate our skills.

Professional Development provides access to a wide range of qualifications from different awarding bodies.


Available Qualifications

Awarding BodyOverview
Associate of the Higher Education Academy

Offered to teaching and learning support staff who are not required to do the PGCHE as a route to recognition as an Associate Fellow, Fellow, or Senior Fellow of the HEA (accredited by Advance HE).

Postgraduate Certificate in HE (PGCHE) Mandatory for most new staff in the Learning and Teaching job family.
City and Guilds (C&G) Senior Award in Professional Practice Offered to senior support staff (level three and above) without supervisory responsibility.
Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Offered to managers and supervisors with line management responsibility and for people managing projects.
University of Nottingham This is a certificate awarded by the University of Nottingham.  As such it is an internal recognition and not a certificate given by an external professional body.  However, it is a good way to get professional knowledge and recognition of your skills if you are starting out (or about to start) in any teaching capacity.

Professional Development

Kings' Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

telephone: +44 (0) 115 74 84800