Centre for Additive Manufacturing
Researcher at the Centre for Additive Manufacturing working on the desing of a 3D geometry to be 3D printed using hydrogel

PhD at the Centre for Additive Manufacturing

Open studentships

Functional 3D/4D printing of responsive structures

Functional structural colour devices through 3D printing

3D printing next-generation actutors for soft robots and devices

3D-printed micro-robots for medical applications

Due to funding application restrictions, some positions are only available to UK and self-funded candidates. Please check each opportunity for specific eligibility details and to learn more about the projects. Visit our research page to learn more about other areas of research at CfAM.

Application requirements

To apply, you will need a First or Upper Second Class degree or an MSc with Distinction in a relevant subject. Detailed information is provided in each studentship advert.

How to Apply

Please send your covering letter, CV, and academic transcripts to cfam@nottingham.ac.uk, referring to the project title.

Note: Applications without academic transcripts will not be considered.

We look forward to receiving your application and exploring the potential for you to join our research team.


Centre for Additive Manufacturing

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CfAM@nottingham.ac.uk