KS2 Discovery Days Programme Sessions

KS2 Discovery Days Programme Sessions

Use the links below to find out more about what the Discovery Day programme offers.

Discovery Day programmes consist of an Introduction and Reflection session, a visit to the University campus, and one Skills-Building activity of your choice.  

The Introduction, Reflection and Skills-Building activity will all be delivered in school by our outreach officers.

Essential sessions to introduce and conclude your project


Skills-Building activities

As well as helping children finding out what university is all about, our Discovery Days programme also aims to help them develop some of the skills they need to succeed in learning and in life.

Our Skills-Building Sessions, which are delivered in school after your campus visit, help nurture a range of personal, academic and social skills.

Look at the menu of sessions below to choose the one which best meets the needs of the children in your class.


 Additional activities between sessions

We have compiled a range of additional activities relating to university. These activities can be downloaded and printed to provide your pupils with additional resources to learn about university.


Is it for you?

  • Sessions will be delivered in school by 1 or 2 members of university staff
  • School staff must be present in all sessions to supervise children and support activities 
  • For details of each session, please see the activity pages linked above

We are funded to work in areas where children would not typically progress to university. Find out if your school is eligible

Further information

Please visit our frequently asked questions page.