On Friday 21 September 2018 Widening Participation and Outreach welcomed 120 Year 9 (aged 14) pupils to our annual European day of Languages double event. The event is designed to spark pupils’ interest in continuing with languages study at GCSE level and beyond. The event offers a range of taster languages including Japanese, Slovene, Russian and Portuguese, a student-devised quiz around the subject of languages and a digital language session.
Thanks to the sterling efforts of our Widening Participation and Outreach Manager, Tara Webster-Deakin and colleagues in the Language Centre: Monika Savage, Noemi Cedillo, Sujing Xu, Oranna Speicher, Mikiko Kurose, Maja Rancigaj, Jane Lowe, Insa Hartung, Kristina Notthoff and Marilena Minoia and some great student ambassadors, we delivered a slick and fun event which had the pupils buzzing as they left. A big thank you to everyone involved including Janice Clark who helped determine and manage the room allocations and timetables for the event.
Posted on Monday 24th September 2018