School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

Year Abroad social media competition winner 2016

Jacob Kennison - Rio de Janeiro (Main)

The winning photograph from Jacob Kennison of Rio de Janeiro

Each year, we run a competition to encourage our students to share photographs of their year abroad with us via social media using the hashtag #UoNgoingplaces. 

This year competition was fierce with well over 300 amazing images entered. We’d like to thank our students for taking part and sharing their photographs which have brought us a lot of pleasure.

Here are our winners: 

Overall prize winner (£50 Amazon voucher):

Jacob Kennison (Rio de Janeiro)

Runner up:

Dorothy Robert (Hanover)

Highly commended:

  • Beth Allen (Found my happy place - Martinique)
  • Jordan Bertenshaw (Berlin - Brandenburger Tor)
  • Jenny Crossley (Shanghai)
  • Alice Fidler (Parque nacional de Aiguestortes)
  • Eleanor Gill (for Sunday in Toulouse and Ma rue préférée de Toulouse)
  • Katherine Goodman (Why did you quit the library? - Grenoble)
  • Jacob Kennison (Making friends in Gibraltar)
  • Sam Keshmiri (Nemo and friends - Berlin)
  • Helen Long (Templo de Debod - Madrid)
  • Margaret Mullan (Bolivia)
  • Dorothy Robert (for Leafy in Bremen this time)
  • Jenny Skipper (for three images: Afternoon drinks in El Caminito - Buenos Aires, Shaman Poles at Olkhon Island, and Made it to Moscow)

Congratulations to you all.

Posted on Thursday 29th September 2016

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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