School of Computer Science

New textbook on functional programming


Professor Graham Hutton

Professor Graham Hutton has published a new edition of his best-selling functional programming textbook, Programming in Haskell.

Haskell is an innovative programming language that allows users to rapidly develop clear, concise and correct software. The language is based on the idea of pure mathematical functions, and provides a range of simple but powerful techniques for writing and reasoning about programs.

The original edition of Programming in Haskell was published in 2007, and quickly became an international best-seller in computer science.  It has been used in more than 100 university courses worldwide, and was turned into highly-popular online courses that attracted more than 100,000 participants.

The new edition was produced in response to the increasing use of Haskell in both teaching and industry.  The book has been extensively updated and expanded to include recent and more advanced features of the language, new examples and exercises, selected solutions, and freely downloadable lecture slides and code.  It also includes material and examples taken from the author's own research work.

Professor Hutton said: "I'm delighted to have been able to turn my teaching and research experience over the last 20 years into a new textbook, and I hope that it will inspire a new generation of Haskell programmers."

He added: "It's great for our students to know that material they are being taught in Nottingham will also be used by students all around the world".

In his foreword for the new edition, Erik Meijer, a programming language expert at Facebook, wrote: "Based upon decades of teaching experience, and backed by an impressive stream of research papers, in this book Graham gently guides us through the whole gambit of key functional programming concepts."

"The skills you acquire by studying this book will make you a much better programmer no matter what language you use to actually program in."

The book was published by Cambridge University Press on 1 September 2016.  Further details are available from:

Posted on Friday 2nd September 2016

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
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Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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