School of Computer Science

Debugged JNR

New YouTube channel - Debugged Junior 

The School of Computer Science is very pleased to announce a new YouTube channel aimed at introducing computer science and AI ideas to a primary age audience.  As a School, for many years we have engaged with local primary schools and children at science fairs and events.  Thanks to a public engagement Small Grant award from the Institute for Policy and Engagement at the University we can now move online. 

Debugged JNR is our new YouTube channel, supported by a website containing information and worksheets for teachers and parents. The current team (Andy French, Mercedes Torres Torres, Mike Pound and Rebecca Tickle) have plans to add more videos, which has been made possible by additional School support. In the current situation we can’t easily add more videos at the moment, but we plan to soon, and we hope in the meantime they will already be of use for those learning at home!  If you are interested in an idea for a future video, or in taking part, please contact one of the team.

The School have been heavily involved in Computerphile videos for several years, and this new channel is an exciting way to engage with a much younger audience.


A number of images giving examples of videos. What is a computer? How does my football game work? How does a computer work? The history of computers. How do they know what I like? Search engines and spiders.

Posted on Monday 6th April 2020

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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