School of Computer Science

Congratulations to Dr Joy Egede

Picture of Dr Joy Egede graduating over faded picture of Dr Joy Egede teaching

Congratulations to Dr Joy Egede

Dr Joy Egede has been shortlisted as one of the top 10 candidates for the L’Oréal-UNESCO UK & Ireland For Women in Science Rising Talents Programme.

Joy has been with the department since 2012, starting with her MSc in Computer Science. Joy then went on to do a PhD exploring the application of traditional and deep-learned algorithms to continuous pain estimation in adults and neonates. After graduating in 2019 Joy joined the department as a research fellow in the Computer Vision Lab. Joy Currently works with the Biomedical Research Centre. This research focuses on developing methods for detecting medical conditions from expressive behaviour. Joy also works alongside the Mixed Reality Lab developing methods which measure social signals.

Everyone in the school would like to congratulate Joy on making the top 10 for the 2020 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science UK & Ireland Rising Talent Programme. The program, which has been running since 2007, awards the top 5 applicants with a £15,000 flexible research grant.

We look forward to the winners being announced on the 21st May.

Posted on Monday 27th April 2020

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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