School of Computer Science

Summer Internships in the Digital Economy

This summer, Horizon Digital Economy Research ( ) is seeking enthusiastic postgraduate student interns to undertake 10-week research projects at the University of Nottingham. Internships will attract a bursary of £300 per week, and interns will be given office and lab space within Horizon at the University of Nottingham, and access to the equipment required to undertake the projects. The intern will be responsible for using the bursary to cover their own travel, accommodation and subsistence costs - arranging accommodation will also be the intern's responsibility, however we will do what we can to seek out accommodation options for the intern.

The deadline for applications is Friday May 7th 2010

To apply for any of the internships stated below, please email, for the attention of Dr. Sophie Dale, quoting the reference code(s) for the particular internship(s) you are interested in, including a CV and a brief description of why you should be considered for the internship. Candidates should already be studying at postgraduate level in the UK. The start date for each internship is negotiable, however it is anticipated that the internships will take place during the summer vacation months (i.e. any 10 weeks between Monday June 22nd and Friday September 17th).The titles of the available internships are:* PsychoFIZZ - real time monitoring of physiological traits* Functional programming for anonymity and services in the cloud* Exploring the language of navigation* Tourists' use of digital media/online tools in shaping the visitor experience* Creating a user-controllable VR photo album of a theme park ride visit* User-relevant geo-labellingFull details of the available internships can be found here:


Posted on Tuesday 28th February 2012

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

For all enquires please visit: