Looking after yourself as an International student


For information about looking after your mental health and wellbeing please go to this page and and for information on physical health and keeping active please go to this page

Maintaining contact with family, friends and loved ones at home 

Whilst it is best to maintain normal routines during this period DO NOT miss out on contact with family and friends who are living in different time zones. Maintaining contact will help you maintain a positive mood. 

Worried about coursework/essay deadlines and exams 

CELE can provide one to one support. Your main priority is to look after yourself – be kind to yourself and balance your study time with relaxation and activity time 

Hate crime/harassment related to coronavirus 

Unfortunately, there have been some incidents of international students being harassed in relation to Coronavirus. If you experience any aggression, harassment, threatening behaviour or unkind words towards you, this is UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR.  

Please keep yourself safe and consider reporting the incident. No incident is trivial. 

You can report to our harassment team here

No Place for Hate campaign: For information on how we can support our campuses to be more inclusive, welcoming spaces for everyone please go to our webpage 

Global Buddies 

‘Buddy’ is another word for friend, and that’s exactly what Global Buddies is about – making friends. It’s also about helping international and EU students like you find the support you need. They’ll help you settle in and offer support and show you where to find the help you need. You’ll also have the opportunity to get involved with our Monthly Meet ups, meet students from the UK and around the world, and be a part of the SU community.  

Check out the Facebook group for all the latest updates and find out what’s going on. You can also follow on Instagram @globalbuddiesuon

 Take a look at the Stronger Together video and the new International Student Guide  

Useful information and resources are also summarised on the SU International Student Webpage 

Friends International - Nottingham  

Are providing online Zoom events to enable you to stay in touch with your international friends whilst you are self-isolating. 

 Additional resources  


The University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666
email: studentcommsoffice@nottingham.ac.uk