University Mental Health Day

 Contensis UMHD 2025


University Mental Health Day (UMHD) brings together the university community to make mental health a university-wide priority and create ongoing year-round change to the future of student mental health.

This year UMHD was on Thursday 14 March and our theme was SLEEP.

Why sleep?

Getting enough sleep is important to our wellbeing. Most adults need between 7-9 hours’ sleep a night. Insufficient sleep can lead to challenges in decision making and problem solving.  It can have an impact on our emotions and ability to cope with change, as well as our physical health.

Our UMHD campaign ran for two weeks from Monday 4th March to Friday 15th March 2024. Throughout the two weeks there were opportunities for students and staff to find out more about sleep and how it can affect mental health, as well as ways to improve sleep.

We held events and activities that aimed to encourage students and staff to raise awareness, highlight what support is available and help students to manage their wellbeing.

Join us as we inspire conversations, take action and create change. Together we can get the nation talking about student mental health.

You can find information about mental wellbeing including tips and support on the HealthyU mental health page.

For guidance on sleep and your mental health, visit Mind, NHS every mind matters and Student Minds.


University Mental Health Day - get involved...

University Mental Health Day sleep cover competition

1st - 28th March 2024

Design your own day and night-time bedcovers to be in with a chance of winning a £50 Amazon voucher or 1 of 3 £10 Amazon vouchers!

Many students’ study in the same room they sleep in, it’s always a good idea to create a sleepy environment at bedtime. Try changing your bedcover!

How to take part

1. Design 2 bedcovers; one for daytime and another for night-time. You can create your design using any medium you wish (paint, collage, digitally etc).

2. Once you have created your designs, upload them onto the padlet using the link below. Remember to add a title to your design. 

3. So we know who you are, email your image, name and title of your post to:

4. The most inspiring designs will be announced after 28 March. Winners will be contacted by email.

Enter competition here

Life Coaching Wellbeing Webinar focusing on improving Sleep.

Wednesday 20th March (1.30 - 2.15pm)

Students and staff welcome!

Join us for an insightful webinar on the benefits of Life Coaching to help to improve sleep, from one of our Alumni and previous members of staff in Human Physiology, Julie Littlewood.

Explore your current situation regarding ‘sleep’, or other wellbeing issues you would like to improve. Julie will guide those present through a process to help raise awareness of personal concerns regarding ‘sleep’, realise your skills, strengths and resources and then go on to guide you, as you develop a personalised plan to improve your sleep.

There will be opportunities to interact during the session via the message board, and questions at the end.

Note taking is highly recommended to record your desired goal, your skills and resources, and the action plan you will develop to move forward.

 Looking forward to seeing you there!

Register here 


Read about Lauren's sleep routine

Events happening throughout the weeks...

Tuesday 27th February

Time Event information Location

12pm - 2pm

Mature Student Socials

A chance for mature students to meet or catch up with other mature students in a friendly space. Socials always include crating and games that students can get involved in, as well as free food.

Find out more

Open to mature students from all faculties only - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Harpers Bar, The Barn, Sutton Bonington Campus 


Monday 4th March

Time Event information Location

12pm - 2pm

Mature Student Socials

A chance for mature students to meet or catch up with other mature students in a friendly space. Socials always include crating and games that students can get involved in, as well as free food.

Find out more

Open to mature students from all faculties only - no need to sign up, just turn up!


Room SB1067, Medical School, QMC

12.30pm - 2.30pm

Therapy Dogs

Bertie the beautiful Briard will be joining us. Book onto a 20 minute slot and enjoy the therapeutic benefits this session can provide. Booking is essential!

Find out more

Open to Engineering students only - sign up here

Pope Building, University Park

1pm - 2.30pm

LiveWell and BeWell!

Come and join a group of therapy dogs and the Support & Wellbeing Team for an interactive event to raise awareness of the wellbeing benefits of human-companion animal interactions. Activity packs for crafting sessions will also be available and the HealthyU Padlet Competition will be screened on a movable screen in the Computer Science Atrium.

Open to Computer Science students only - no need to book, just turn up!

Atrium, Computer Science Building, Jubilee Campus 


Tuesday 5th March

Time Event information Location

9am - 12pm 

Sleep Well, Be Well

Come and have chat with the School of Medicine Student Experience and Student Support Teams. We will be providing caffeine-free alternatives to tea and coffee for Medicine and Health Science Students, calming activities and useful resources to help with sleep, including a Yoga relaxation Podcast and advice about our support services.

Open to all students - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Main entrance foyer, Medical School building, Derby 

11am - 12 pm

Drop in sessions to raise awareness about University Mental Health Day

Join us for our drop-in sessions during University Mental Health Awareness weeks to learn more about mental health and the resources/support that is available for you. It is also an opporytunity to interatct with others and have informal conversations.

Open to Health Sciences students only - no need to register, just turn up!

Room B128, Medical School Building, University Park

11am - 3pm

Pop up Table of Support

Pop up table with activities to support University Mental Health Day including “top sleep tips” activity, free resources to promote sleep and wellbeing, and signposting to mental health support available to students.

Open to Engineering students only - no need to book, just turn up!

Coates Building reception area, University Park

12pm - 2pm

'Find Your People' Panel discussion - Mental Health

It will feature a panel discussion between academics and a student from Nightline Society. They will talk about their own mental health and the challenges they have encountered or still do.  Attendees will be welcome to ask questions via an anonymous MS Form. 

Open to all staff and students - register here

Gateway B01/02, Sutton Bonington Campus

12pm - 3pm

Mental Health and Mindfulness Science drop in

For the first two hours we will be live streaming the Mental Health Awareness panel happening at Sutton Bonington. Afterwards we will be offering a Mindfulness session along with resources for students to take away to engage with better sleep and mindfulness.

Open to Science Students onlyNo sign up, drop in only

Room B23, Physics Building, University Park


Wednesday 6th March

Time Event information Location

12pm - 3pm

Pop-up Quiet Space

Relax and refuel in our pop-up quiet space this University Mental Health Day. 

  • Bring your own reusable mug for a free cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate. 
  • Biscuits!
  • Make a lavender bag. 
  • Take a moment for mindfulness with colouring. 
  • Board games and other activities.

Open to Engineering students only - no need to book, just turn up!

Pope A17, University Park

2pm - 4pm

Kiki's Delivery Service Screening for Mature Students

Calling all mature students in the Faculty of Arts! Join us for a relaxing screening of 'Kiki's Delivery Service' (1989), from the soothing and gorgeous Studio Ghibli. This film explores themes of burnout, mental health struggles, and the importance of sleep, rest, and nourishment for recovery - sound relatable, anyone?! We'll be providing drinks and snacks, along with some resources and suggestions to improve your sleep and rest this University Mental Health Awareness Week. Sign up using our form - hope to see you there!

Open to mature students in the Faculty of Arts only - sign up here

Screening Room (140), Hallward Library, University Park

6pm - 7pm

Sleep Well, Be Well with Beth Hill

Come along to a workshop addressing well-being, strategies and mechanisms for self care.  We will be looking at ways to look after ourselves when feeling under stress, tackling subjects such as sleep, routine, anxiety and finding balance.

Open to Students from the School of Medicine, School of Health Sciences and School of Life Sciences only - Keep an eye out for the invitation link in your emails or email us if you would like to attend and have not yet received the link.

Online, MS Teams


Thursday 7th March

Time Event Information Location

11am - 12pm

Drop in sessions to raise awareness about University Mental Health Day

Join us for our drop-in sessions during University Mental Health Awareness weeks to learn more about mental health and the resources/support that is available for you. It is also an opporytunity to interatct with others and have informal conversations.

Open to Health Sciences students only - no need to register, just turn up!

Room B128, Medical School Building, University Park



We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and bringing some water with you. We also offer temporary use of yoga mats and blocks. However, feel free to bring your own if you have one. We would like to remind you that if you have any underlying health conditions, especially issues with your wrists, knees, ankles or back, please let the instructor know before the class starts so they can make any necessary adjustments to ensure you are safe and comfortable. We hope you have a fulfilling and relaxing class!

Find out more

Open to Engineering students only - sign up here

Coates Building, University Park

7pm - 8.30pm

Let’s Talk Mental Health

An event which will shine a spotlight on mental health and the experiences of those participating in sport and activity at the university.

Open to all staff and students - sign up here

Portland Coffee 


5.15pm - 7pm

Mature Student Socials

A chance for mature students to meet or catch up with other mature students in a friendly space. Socials always include crating and games that students can get involved in, as well as free food.

Find out more

Open to mature students from all faculties only - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Oasis, A floor, Portland Building


Friday 8th March

Time Event Information Location

 10am - 2pm

Sleep Well, Be Well

Come and have chat with the School of Medicine Student Experience and Student Support Teams. We will be providing caffeine-free alternatives to tea and coffee for Medicine and Health Science Students, calming activities and useful resources to help with sleep, including a Yoga relaxation Podcast and advice about our support services.

Open to all students - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Medical School Foyer, Medical school, QMC

3pm - 4pm

Conversation Cafe

Do you want to improve your conversation skills, build your confidence or develop your language skills? Drop-in to the online Conversation Cafe sessions - a friendly and welcoming space to develop your confidence and meet other students. The online café sessions are run by Libraries Learning Development team in collaboration with volunteers from across Support and Wellbeing and ResX. These sessions support UMH Awareness Weeks by providing students with the opportunity to connect with others and improve their conversation skills in a friendly space.

Open to all students - register here

Online; MS Teams


Monday 11th March

Time Event information Location

12pm - 2pm

Wellbeing Chat

As part of the University Mental Health Day campaign, we’re offering wellbeing resources. Come by, say hello, and chat with a member of our Wellbeing Team about all things wellbeing. We look forward to seeing you there!

Open to all students - no need to book, just turn up!

George Green Library (Ground Floor near the games area)

12pm - 2pm

School of Geography wellbeing 'Crafternoon'

Come along and enjoy a relaxing time at this drop-in session, where you can chat to fellow students whilst taking part in wellbeing craft activities such as stone painting, beading and friendship bracelet making. You’re welcome to bring your lunch too!

Open to School of Geography students only No sign up necessary - just come along and join in at any point during the session!

Edward's Resource Centre (Map Room LG1), Sir Clive Granger Building, University Park

12.30pm - 2.30pm

BDI (University) Mental Health Day  

The Biodiscovery Institute (BDI) University Mental Health Day includes activities to reduce stress, invite people to play some games and have support from our mental health first aider volunteers based in BDI. This events hopes to invite conversations around mental health & its challenges, aims to assist those in BDI as well as creating an environment where mental health discussions can be open and helpful to each other.

Open to all staff/post grad students in the local area - sign in at reception required!

A208/A209, BioDiscovery Institute Building, University Park


Tuesday 12th March

TimeEvent informationLocation

11am - 12pm

Drop in sessions to raise awareness about University Mental Health Day

Join us for our drop-in sessions during University Mental Health Awareness weeks to learn more about mental health and the resources/support that is available for you. It is also an opporytunity to interatct with others and have informal conversations.

Open to Health Sciences students only - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Room B128, Medical School Building, University Park

10am - 1pm

CLAS Relax and Revive Café

Everyone needs a break! Come along to your CLAS common room to unwind and connect with other students this Mental Health Awareness Day. We will be offering free hot drinks, games, and craft activities, so take a break from your studies and recharge.

Open to all CLAS students only - no need to sign up, just come along!

Room B10, Trent Building, University Park 

4.30pm - 6pm

Bookmark making

Studying in Hallward Library? Pop by to take a break and get creative by making your own bookmark (all materials supplied)

Open to all students and staff - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Hallward Library, University Park


Wednesday 13th March

Time Event informationLocation

11am - 1pm

LASS Creative Crafts and Fun Activities

Unleash your creativity and boost your wellbeing with our afternoon of creative crafts and fun activities for University Mental Health Day. Join us for this fun and therapeutic experience where you can express yourself through creative crafts and a range of games and activities to help you relax, de-stress and improve your mental health.

Open to Students in Schools of Law, Politics & IR and Sociology & Social Policy only - no sign up required, just drop in and enjoy yourself

Monica Patridge Atrium, University Park

12pm - 2pm

Cultural Sleep Recipe Exchange

We are inviting international students to share recipes for food or beverages traditionally used in their culture to promote sleep. Participants will be given paper and pens to illustrate their recipes and share stories about their recipes. The recipes will be put together to create a recipe book and shared with students at the University. It is also an opportunity to connect with cultural roots and reflect on positive memories, thus promoting sense of wellbeing. Participants will be given a gift-bag including the DIY lavender bags, colouring in postcards, and refreshments provided at the session.

Open to international students only - sign up here

Liberation Hub, C-Floor, Portland Building, University Park

12pm - 2pm

Wellbeing Chat

As part of the University Mental Health Day campaign, we’re offering wellbeing resources. Come by, say hello, and chat with a member of our Wellbeing Team about all things wellbeing. We look forward to seeing you there!

Open to all students - no need to book, just turn up!

George Green Library (Ground Floor near the games area)

2.30pm - 4pm

Knit and Natter

Whether you're new to knitting or have been knitting for years, pop along to our Knit and Natter session to make a little graduation bear for the QMC baby unit or just to talk to other students and Library staff (all materials supplied).

Open to all students and staff- no need to book, just turn up!

Hallward Library, University Park


Thursday 14th March

TimeEvent informationLocation

All day

Wall of Kindness

We will be running a craft session (bead making, DIY lavender sleep kits, rock painting, etc.) and using a posterboard where students can hang things/post things/stick things that they have made at the craft session for people with kind messages/ideas for a better sleep/importance of sleep or just a nice message!

Open to psychology students only - just turn up!

Room A22, Psychology Building, University Park

All day

Moves + App: UMHD specific challenge 

A physical challenge that will be uploaded to the Moves app for students and staff to take part in. 

Open to all students and staff

Moves + App

10am and 11.30am

UoN UMHD Specialist Wellbeing Services (Counselling and Mental Health) Event

Come and meet the specialist wellbeing teams. We are hosting two short presentations to raise awareness of our teams and give space for Q&A. This will be an opportunity to learn more about how we support students and how to refer.

Open to all staff and students - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Large Seminar Room, Ist Floor, Cripps Health Centre, University Park

10am - 2pm

Sleep Well, Be Well

Come and have chat with the School of Medicine Student Experience and Student Support Teams. We will be providing caffeine-free alternatives to tea and coffee for Medicine and Health Science Students, calming activities and useful resources to help with sleep, including a Yoga relaxation Podcast and advice about our support services.

Open to all students - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Medical School Foyer, Medical school, QMC

10am - 2pm

How is your sleep?

Join us in the vet school atrium to explore the importance of getting a good night's sleep and share personal tips. In addition to information there will be biscuits and a range of activities, such as make your own Lavender bag.

Open to all students and staff - just turn up!

Atrium, Vet School, Sutton Bonington Campus

10am - 4pm

UoN UMHD Specialist Wellbeing Services (Counselling and Mental Health) Event

Drop in and take part in activities alongside free refreshments.

Open to all staff and students - just turn up!

Small Seminar Room, 1st Floor, Cripps Health Centre, university Park

11am - 12pm

Drop in sessions to raise awareness about University Mental Health Day

Join us for our drop-in sessions during University Mental Health Awareness weeks to learn more about mental health and the resources/support that is available for you. It is also an opporytunity to interatct with others and have informal conversations.

Open to Health Sciences students only - no need to register, just turn up!

Room B128, Medical School Building, University Park

11am - 2pm

UoN Sport Wellbeing café 

A space for students, staff and community members to have some time out and focus on their mental health and wellbeing. Free wellbeing activities and refreshments will be on offer.

Open to all students and staff - just turn up and scan QR code

Conference Room, David Ross Sports Village, University Park

11am - 5pm

Libraries Refuel Drop-in

Pop along for a free hot drink and to ask Library staff any questions you might have about our services. For this special edition, we will also have some calming Camomile tea as an addition to our normal range. 


  • Business Library (Jubilee Campus), 3 - 5pm
  • Djanogly LRC (Jubilee Campus), 11am - 1pm
  • George Green Library (University Park Campus), 2 - 4pm
  • Greenfield Medical Library (Medical School, QMC), 2 - 4pm
  • Hallward Library (University Park Campus), 1 - 3pm
  • James Cameron-Gifford Library (Sutton Bonington Campus), 2 - 4pm

Find out more

Open to all students - no need to book, just turn up!

UoN Libraries

11.30am - 1.30pm

Stronger Minds make Better Futures: Let’s invest in your Mental Health!

A community event involving sleep workshop, simple arts, crafting activities including rock painting, making cloud foam and beadwork. There will be an array of healthier refreshments and also self-care pin boards which will display helpful stats and figures about the impact of sleep on our lives.

Open to all students - no need to sign up, just turn up!

First floor Mezzanine, Physics building, School of Physics, University Park

12pm - 1pm

University Mental Health Day: Sleep Workshop for Postgraduate Researchers

On 14 March we will be celebrating University Mental Health Day and this year’s theme is Sleep.

Sleep can be a common issue, particularly for PGRs whose working patterns mean that it can be difficult to stick to a routine. In this workshop, we welcome the counselling service to talk about how sleep issues affect us and how we might improve our sleep if it is becoming a persistent problem. The workshop will explore ways to retrain our sleep patterns and start getting a better night’s sleep. The workshop will be followed by wellbeing activities in the Hive with our PGR Welfare and EDI officers, along with the Support and Wellbeing Team.

If you can’t make it, you can also join the sleep webinar taking place on Wednesday 20 March. 

Open to PG students only - sign up here

Sutton Bonington Graduate Centre, C Floor, The Barn, Sutton Bonington Campus

12pm - 2pm

University Mental Health Day at Derby Hospital

Pop along and find out about University Mental Health Day as well as information on sleep and the importance of this for our overall wellbeing.

Open to Faculty of Medicine abd Health Sciences students based at Derby Hospital only - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Student common room, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby

12pm -2pm

Conversation Cafe - Mental Health Awareness

A community café event with refreshments and opportunity to chat, play games, speak to Mental First Aider Trained Staff, participate in wellbeing activities, collect wellbeing resources and enter a prize draw. It will feature information displays on wellbeing and featuring the importance of sleep, and services in the University. The aim of the event is to raise awareness of mental health issues and promoting wellbeing.

Open to Faculty of Science students only- no need to book, just turn up!

Maths Building, A Floor Atrium, University Park (tbc)

12pm - 2pm

University Mental Health Day at Sutton Bonington

Come along to the Hive on University Mental Health Day, a day dedicated to acknowledging the importance of student mental health. With representation from key University services working to support your wellbeing during your time at university, we will be encouraging conversations about taking care of yourself. Take part in some mindful activities and find out more about the support available to you whilst you are studying at UoN.

Open to all students - no need to sign up, just turn up!

The Hive, The Barn, Sutton Bonington Campus

12pm - 2pm

NUBS University Mental Health Day Café

Join the NUBS ESE Team and supporting services for an afternoon of crafts, competitions and coffee! The focus for the afternoon will be highlighting the importance of sleep and how it can impact your time at university.

Open to all students - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Postgraduates Atrium, Business school North, Jubilee Campus

1pm - 1.30pm

UMHD Specialist Event: Breathe Here Now

Join us for a 30 minute guided mindfulness practice suitable for beginners and those with more experience with mindfulness.

Open to all staff and students - sign up here

Online, MS Teams

1.30pm - 3.30pm


We will be providing a relaxing space for students to unwind with tea, games, crafting chillout music, and mental health resources and signposting available.

Open to Humanities students - no need to book, just turn up!

B53, Humanities Building, University Park

2pm - 4pm

Sleep Workshop

Not being able to relax/sleep is a problem – drain on a resource – this workshop offers ways to look at the problems and introduce ideas/places to begin changing/experimenting. Sleep and relaxation issues are largely a modern problem – as we have altered our patterns of living that quite often go against our natural rhythms and ways of being.

This workshop will allow us to explore ways to ‘Switch Off’.

Open to all students - sign up here


Online, MS Teams


Friday 15th March

TimeEvent informationLocation

10am - 2pm

The School of English Mental Health Awareness Day

In alignment with the broader goals of University Mental Health Awareness Weeks, our initiative seeks to raise awareness and foster understanding about the importance of sleep in maintaining good mental health. Sleep is a fundamental aspect of well-being, influencing cognitive function, emotional resilience, and overall mental clarity. Throughout this event, our focus is to highlight the significance of quality sleep and its direct correlation with academic success and personal fulfilment. Our activities will be informative, offering practical tips on establishing healthy sleep habits. Additionally, we have planned relaxation activities, including origami making, jigsaw puzzles, and sleep-themed colouring postcards, accompanied by tea and biscuits. As a special treat, we are providing a sleeping kit in a goody bag on a first-come, first-served basis. 

In room A35, we will provide video-guided meditation for all individuals seeking relaxation and tranquillity until 1 pm. 

Furthermore, this event serves as an opportunity for the Faculty of Arts Support and Wellbeing team to meet our students in person and share insights on how they can provide support.

Open to School of English, Faculty of Arts students only - no need to book, just turn up!

A90, School of English, Student common room, Trent Building, University Park.

A35, School of English, Trent Building, University Park.

1pm - 3.30pm


Join Library staff to take a break and try origami (all materials supplied).

Open to all students and staff - no need to sign up, just turn up!

Hallward Library, University Park

3pm - 5pm

Reflect & Renew: self-reflection for mental wellness

In today's fast-paced world, taking time to pause, reflect, and nurture our well-being is essential. This event offers an opportunity to explore your inner self, engage in meaningful self-reflection exercises, and plan going forward for enhancing your mental health and overall well-being.

Open to all students - no need to book, just turn up!

E44, Portland Buildng, University Park


Coffee, Cake and Chat

University Mental Health Day falls in March and as part of the initiative, OASIS will be hosting an afternoon of conversation with complimentary cake and hot drinks.

Open to all students and staff - no need to book, just turn up!

Oasis, A floor, Portland Building, University Park

For more information about any of these events, email the HealthyU team

Student Life

The University has a range of services to support your welfare, health and wellbeing throughout your studies. You can seek advice about any issue affecting your study and University experience. We will be here to listen, help and can support you in accessing other specialist services you might need.

Disability Support Services

It's not too late to get support. If you haven't done so already, please tell Disability Support Services about your disability, mental health difficulty, long-term medical condition, autistic spectrum condition, or a specific learning difference such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia or ADHD. 

Register with a GP

It’s important to register with a GP (sometimes called family doctor) as soon as possible when you arrive at university.

Cripps Health Centre is conveniently situated on University Park and specialises in looking after students and staff as well as their families. 

If you do not live in the catchment area for Cripps (check here), you can visit the NHS Choices site to find your local health centre.

If you live in the Sutton Bonington area you may be able to register at the Orchard Practice in Kegworth.


The University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666