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Core business processes are essential for any large university. When we invest in our operational processes and efficiencies, we protect time and investments elsewhere for research and teaching.

At the University of Nottingham we are committed to delivering professional, efficient, effective and compliant operations. And so, a key work stream for the Digital Futures Project advances our use of technology to support critical business functions such as Finance and Human Resources.

Within our Core work stream, we aim to:

  • Implement and advance secure, efficient and effective systems to manage data processing and information associated with core business functions such as Finance and Human Resources
  • Develop systems that empower sophisticated approaches to reporting (especially from a regulatory perspective) and business performance management
  • Reduce administrative burden on all staff and students by implementing systems that connect effectively with other systems, thus reducing the need for duplication of effort or manual input and management of information
  • Improve operational efficiency and effectiveness across the board
  • Use systems to help us recruit and attract the finest staff to the University.

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