Professional Development

Teaching and Learning Observation College (TLOC)

Dialogue - Support - Enhance - Dissemination

Welcome to the Teaching and Learning Observation College (formerly the Peer Observation College). Literature highlights the benefits of observation to both the observer and observee. The University of Nottingham values peer led observation activity as a method to support the development of its teaching staff at whatever level. Watch the video below to get further insights into the benefits of being involved with the Teaching and Learning Observation College.

The Teaching and Learning Observation College (TLOC) is committed to supporting and developing excellence in teaching practice and the on-going professional development of all University of Nottingham staff through a collegial approach. To meet this aim, it emphasises four underpinning themes: dialogue, support, enhancement and dissemination.

Observations are gradated in formality, as illustrated in the figure below:





Contact TLOC

For further information and how to get involved please email:

Go to TLOC Moodle


Types of Observation


Getting Involved






Observation and Professional Dialogue Forms


Teaching and Learning Observation College Academic Board

The TLOC Academic Board is designed to support the strategic function of observation and professional dialogue activity across the University. Specifically, it develops, oversees and manages the implementation of the TLOC, reporting on areas of effective practice and identifying common areas of development. 





For the University:

  • To assist schools and faculties in providing a high quality educational experience
  • To emphasise the importance allotted to the quality of teaching
  • To encourage schools and faculties to reflect on the effectiveness of their teaching
  • To foster discussion of good practise

For individuals:

  • To encourage individuals to reflect on the effectiveness of their teaching
  • To increase staff awareness of the whole student experience
  • To identify any areas of development and support action planning
  • To provide evidence to support NRS and promotion applications


Professional Development

Kings' Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

telephone: +44 (0) 115 74 84800