University awards
Lord Dearing Awards
Running since 1999, the Lord Dearing Awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding contribution to teaching and learning and the student experience made by University staff across campuses, job families, roles, and disciplines.
The scheme was personally supported by Lord Dearing, the fifth Chancellor of the University of Nottingham, and hundreds of individual members of staff and teams across the University have received an award since 1999.
Staff and students can nominate an individual staff member or team for an award. Heads of School or Departments can nominate their School or Department for an Excellence in the Learning Environment award.
Find out more about the Lord Dearing Award Scheme
Postgraduate Research Student Teaching Award
This is an annual award to recognise the contribution that our postgraduate students make to teaching and/or supporting learning in schools. This is designed to recognise outstanding examples of teaching and/or the support of learning. Postgraduate research students and postdocs who teach, either individually or as part of a group, are eligible to apply. For further information about the award please visit the Teaching and Learning Development Hub.
Applications for 2023 will be invited from January 2023.
Winning Schools
ear | Winning Schools |
2022 |
Computer Science
Politics and International Relations |
Sociology and Social Policy
Veterinary Medicince and Science |
2021 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Mathematical Sciences |
Politics and International Relations |
Sociology and Social Policy |
2020 |
Politics and International Relations
2019 |
Physics and Astronomy
Veterinary Medicine and Science
2018 |
Theology and Religious Studies
Department of History
Politics and International Relations
For further information about the award, please contact Helen Cowley
Valuing our teaching
"I think that recognising excellent teaching is hugely important ..."
Awards News
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External awards
National Teaching Fellowships
Recognition as a National Teaching Fellow (NTF) is awarded by Advance HE annually and celebrates individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student learning and the teaching profession. The University is keen to encourage engagement from across our community and has developed the following process to facilitate nominations from colleagues from all campuses who are already recognised as making an excellent contribution to the student learning experience as Lord Dearing Award (Individual) holders.
Nominations are judged by Advance HE on the following criteria:
Individual excellence: Evidence of enhancing and transforming the student learning experience commensurate with the individual’s context and the opportunities afforded by it.
Raising the profile of excellence: Evidence of supporting colleagues and influencing support for student learning; demonstrating impact and engagement beyond the nominee’s immediate academic or professional role.
Developing excellence: Evidence of the nominee’s commitment to her/his ongoing professional development with regard to teaching and learning and/or learning support.
Key external deadlines for the 2025 NTF award are:
- Deadline to Advance HE: Wednesday 5 March 2025
- Outcomes made public: Thursday 7 August 2025
Information about internal deadlines will be released on the NTF and CATE Moodle page.
Support is offered within the University with mentoring from a current NTF award holder and support for attendance at an Advance HE NTF workshop. The University can make three nominations in any year and, as this is a very competitive scheme, we ask initially for expressions of interest (which can be found on the NTF and CATE Moodle). The NTF and CATE panel will decide which expressions of interests will be supported by the university to develop a full submission.
Further guidance from Advance HE which explains the criteria and format for a nomination in full detail can be found: There is also additional information on the NTF and CATE Moodle site and it’s encouraged that you especially review the ‘NTFS Guidance for Institutions and Individuals’ and the ‘NTF and CATE Flashcards’.
There will also be briefing sessions running in September (26.9.24) and October (1.10.24) for individuals that would like to find out more about NTF. Details about booking can be found on the NTF and CATE Moodle site and central short courses.
NTFS awards holders at Nottingham
Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence
The Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) is a further annual award made by Advance HE and celebrates collaborative work in teaching and learning and aims to capture the creative and innovative practice that positively impacts on the student experience.
Each award will recognise a team which has enabled a change in practice for colleagues and/or students at an institutional or discipline level.
The University is keen to encourage engagement from across our community and has developed the following process to facilitate nominations from colleagues from all campuses who are already recognised as making an excellent contribution to the student learning experience as Lord Dearing Award (Team or School/Department) holders.
Nominations are judged by Advance HE on the following criteria:
- Excellence in the team’s collaborative approach: Evidence of excellence in the team’s approach to working collaboratively, commensurate with their context and the opportunities afforded by it.
- Excellence in the impact of collaborative working:Evidence of the team having a demonstrable impact on teaching and learning, including beyond their immediate academic or professional area.
Support is offered within the University with mentoring from a current CATE award holder and support for attendance at an Advance HE CATE workshop. The University can make one nomination in any year and, as this is a very competitive scheme, we ask initially for expressions of interest. (which can be found on the NTF and CATE Moodle). The NTF and CATE panel will decide which expressions of interest will be supported by the university to develop a full submission.
Key external deadlines or the 2025 CATE award are:
- Deadline to Advance HE: Wednesday 5 March 2025
- Outcomes made public: Thursday 7 August 2025
Further guidance from Advance HE which explains the criteria and format for a nomination in full detail can be found:
There is also additional information on the NTF and CATE Moodle site and it’s encouraged that you especially review the ‘CATE Guidance for Institutions and Individuals’ and the ‘NTF and CATE Flashcards’.
There will also be briefing sessions running in September (26.9.24) and October (1.10.24) for individuals that would like to find out more about CATE. Details about booking can be found on the NTF and CATE Moodle site and central short courses.
CATE awards holders at Nottingham
Year 2023
The OPAD Group, Lead Contact: Ruth Goodridge
Year 2021
The Health E-learning and Media Team (HELM) , Lead contact: Heather Wharrad
Year 2018
European Junior Leadership Academy, Lead contact: Stacy Johnson