Nomination Information

Nominating an Individual, team, or School or Department
If you would like to nominate an individual, team, or School/Department, you should do this via the Lord Dearing Award Nomination System. You will need to provide your details and the details of the person, team, or School/Department you are nominating and a reason for that nomination. There is a drop down menu for you to do this.
You will receive notification of your nomination by email and need to confirm that you intend to submit for the award. Once you have confirmed you intend to apply, you can progress your submission as outlined under ‘Application Stage’ opposite.
Each element of the submission is scored, and nominations that have completed all aspects of the submission process will progress to interim and final panels for review (see Panel and outcomes stage opposite).
If your submission progresses to award, you will be provided with an electronic certificate and a hard copy of this digital certificate will be made available to you at a celebration event for award holders.
Team award certificates are issued in the name of the team and School/Department certificates are issued in the name of the School/Department. Individual award certificates are issued in the name of the individual award holder.