Lord Dearing Award Holders
The Lord Dearing Award Scheme has, since 1999, acknowledged the world-class contribution made by University staff to creating a learning environment which is nurturing as well as challenging, creative and innovative.

'I am humbled to receive such an elegant recognition for what I believe is simply the best way to share my knowledge and enthusiasm for research and learning with my students. Thank you all for nominating me, and also all who participated in the intense process of evaluation. I shall do my best to continue to live up to your expectations’.
Associate Professor Ravinder Anand-Ivell, Faculty of Science, UNUK
Listen to what the Lord Dearing Award means to our Award Holders
Dearing Award Holders
Dearing Award Holders 2024
Individual category of Award
Rich-Abad, Anna, Faculty of Arts • UK
Whyke, Thomas William, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • CN
Mitsui-Angwin, Sonoko, Faculty of Science • UK
Desai, Malay, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Purser, Aimie, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Mundt, Klaus, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Guetta, Lea, Faculty of Arts • UK
Gao, Xin, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Sivapalan, Subarna, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • MY
Rutland, Catrin, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Yi, Qie, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • CN
Galloway, Kyle, Faculty of Science • UK
Ives, Christopher, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Cao, Yifei, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • CN
Murray, Aaron, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Murphy , David, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Harmer, Amanda, Faculty of Engineering • UK
Hollowell, Jackie, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Ramage, Judith, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Griffiths, Kathryn, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Gaston, Kevin, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Laverty, Helen, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Mareta, Sannia, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • CN
Hong, Jinning, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Hopkins, Gail, Faculty of Science • UK
Wang, Naixia, Faculty of Arts • UK
Canhoto Neves, Luis, Vice-Chancellor's Office • UK
Evans, Elizabeth, Faculty of Arts • UK
Nixon, Elena, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Durrant, Kate, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Bass, Olivia, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
O'Neil, Isobel, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Bian, Kate, Department of Campus Life • CN
Kim-Mclean, Kate, Faculty of Arts • UK
Parker, Virginia, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • CN
Johnson, Colin, Faculty of Science • UK
Dawson, Altricia, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Team Category of Award
Academic Language and Communication Skills (ALACS), UNUK
Arts Centre, UNNC
Centre for Interprofessional Education and Learning (CIEL), UNUK
EDI Committee, UNNC
First Year Student Support Team of DCL, UNNC
Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing (M3) Practical UG Teaching Development Team, UNUK
Middleton Project, UNUK
Nottingham University Business School Senior Tutoring Team, UNUK
Personal Tutor Improvement Team, UNUK
Primary Care Education Unit, UNUK
Researcher Academy Workshops: Developing and Defending a Robust Study Design, UNUK
School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, Equine Team, UNUK
Spanish Language Team, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, UNUK
Student Academic Skills Team, UNUK
The Digital Student/Student Digital Capabilities Team, UNUK
UNM Library Team, UNM
Dearing Award Holders 2023
Individual category of Award
Achtzehn, David, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Bates, David, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Benest, Andrew, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Beswick, James, Faculty of Science • UK
Buchanan, Heather, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Buckley, John, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Cappelletti, Chantal, Faculty of Engineering • UK
Chan, Sue, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Chan, Wen Li, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • MY
Chu, Shi Wei, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • MY
Clawson, Rachael, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Costley, Debra, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Derrfuss, Jan, Faculty of Science • UK
Edwards, Robert, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Elliott, Jenny, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Fessey, Judy, Faculty of Registrars • UK
Genova, Elena, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Gregory, Rebecca, Faculty of Arts • UK
Heydon, James, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Holland, Sarah, Faculty of Arts • UK
Huang, Jingong, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • CN
Hunter, Nick, Faculty of Engineering • UK
Kai Wei, Cedric Tan, Faculty of Science & Engineering • MY
Khan, Adeel, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Krishna, Salomy Sumithra, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • MY
Lawson, Katherine, Faculty of Science • UK
Leong, Christine, Faculty of Science & Engineering • MY
Li, Shasha, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Marciani, Luca, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Mbaki, Yvonne, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
McCullough, Fiona, Faculty of Science • UK
Minoia, Marilena, Faculty of Arts • UK
Moriarty, Philip, Faculty of Science • UK
Mulcahy, Margaret, Faculty of Engineering • UK
Nam, Kyung Min, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • CN
Norledge, Jessica, Faculty of Arts • UK
Ong, Sze Pheng, Faculty of Science & Engineering • MY
Orton, Matt, Faculty of Registrars • UK
Parker, Simon, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Rutherford, David, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Sargeant, Christopher, Faculty of Social Sciences • UK
Seserman, Mihaela, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • CN
Song, Huimin, Nottingham University Business School • CN
Taggar, Jaspal, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Tiong, Timm Joyce, Faculty of Science & Engineering • MY
Walker, Louise, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Wee, Kim Shan, Faculty of Science & Engineering • MY
Wilson, Ross, Faculty of Arts • UK
Woad, Katie, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Wu, Jean, Health and Wellbeing • CN
Yates, Jen, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UK
Team Category of Award
Bioscience Technical Teaching Team, UNUK
Chemistry Laboratory Development Team, UNUK
Faculty of Social Sciences Decolonising the Curriculum Sphere Challenge Group, UNUK
Haydn Green Institute, UNUK
Special Considerations Team Medical Education, School of Medicine, UNUK
Teaching Sustainable Chemistry Team, UNUK
The Admissions Team, UNM
School or Department Category of Award (Excellence in the Learning Environment)
The Library UNNC, UNNC
Dearing Award Holders 2022
Individual category of Award
Anand-Ivell, Ravinder, Faculty of Science • UNUK
Ashfold, Mathew, Faculty of Science & Engineering • UNM
Baumers, Martin, Faculty of Engineering • UNUK
Bee Yin, Joanne Lim, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • UNM
Byrne, Nuala, Faculty of Social Sciences • UNUK
Camacho Fernandez, Sergio, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • UNM
Chan, Hing Kai, Faculty of Business • UNNC
Corcoran, Andrew, Faculty of Social Sciences • UNUK
Feng, Xuan, Faculty of Business • UNNC
Franco, Rosaria, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • UNNC
Gill, David, Faculty of Social Sciences • UNUK
Gummery, Erica, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UNUK
Halim, Dunant, Faculty of Science and Engineering • UNNC
Humphreys, Rachael, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UNUK
Karunagharan, Jaya Kumar, Faculty of Science & Engineering • UNM
Kaur Karpal Singh, Savinder, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • UNM
Kent, Simon, Faculty of Science • UNUK
Kozbial, Sebastian, Graduate School • UNNC
Lee, Seungyeon, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • UNM
Leow, Fui-Theng, Faculty of Business • UNNC
Lim, Grace Soo Yong, Faculty of Science & Engineering • UNM
Low, Bee Yean, Faculty of Science & Engineering • UNM
Ng, Kher Hui, Faculty of Science & Engineering • UNM
Nixon, Elizabeth, Faculty of Social Sciences • UNUK
O'Connell, Mary, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UNUK
Oladejo, Jumoke Mojisola, Centre for English Language Education • UNNC
Paton, David, Faculty of Social Sciences • UNUK
Pickles, Kirstie, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UNUK
Pike, Matthew, Faculty of Science and Engineering • UNNC
Pilgrim, Ben, Faculty of Science • UNUK
Price, Jessica, Faculty of Science & Engineering • UNM
Ramos, Hazel Melanie, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • UNM
Robinson, Bob, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UNUK
Sethu, Vasanthi, Faculty of Science & Engineering • UNM
Simpson, Timothy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • UNUK
Veecock, Candace, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences • UNNC
Wah, Lee Kean, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences • UNM
Wang, Weiqun, Faculty of Arts • UNUK
Whitehead, Helen, University of Nottingham Libraries • UNUK
Team Category of Award
The Business School Postgraduate Careers Team, Deputy Registrars, UNUK
The Chemical Engineering Team, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, UNNC
The Clinical Skills Team, Dean's Office, Medicine and Health Sciences, UNUK
The Foundation Science Team, Life Sciences, UNUK
The Initial Teacher Education Team, Education, UNUK
The Postgraduate Training Team, Centre for Doctoral Training in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies, Pharmacy, UNUK
The Second Year FAM Management Accounting Team, Nottingham University Business School, UNUK
The Sports Pod Clinical Placement Team, Sports Injury Clinic, UNUK
The SVMS Mental Health Awareness Team, Veterinary Medicine and Science, UNUK
The SVMS Veterinary Public Health Team, Veterinary Medicine & Science, UNUK
The Teaching and Learning Observation College Team, CELE, UNNC
The Transitions to University: Maths for Science Team, Science, UNUK
Faculty School or Department - Excellence in the Learning Environment – Category of Award
The Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Science and Engineering, UNM
Dearing Award Holders 2021
Individual category of award
Beneroso Vallejo, Daniel, Engineering, UNUK
Beveridge, Alim, Nottingham University Business School, UNNC
Bora, Nagamani, Biosciences, UNUK
Bouilheres, Frederique, Nottingham University Business School, UNUK
Bradnock, Lucy, Cultures, Languages & Area Studies, UNUK
Brady, Christina, Mathematical Sciences, UNUK
Brasil, Erica, Cultures, Languages & Area Studies, UNUK
Bromley, Liz, Engineering, UNUK
Burnett, Gary, Engineering, UNUK
Carter, Christopher, Nottingham University Business School, UNUK
Chan, Andy, Department of Civil Engineering , UNM
Chandesa, Tissa, Graduate School, UNM
Chen, Hao, Department of Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, UNNC
Cripps, Sarah, Veterinary Medicine & Science, UNUK
Dixon, William, Sociology & Social Policy, UNUK
Ferris, Katy, Nottingham University Business School, UNUK
Frain, John, Medicine, UNUK
Franco, Penny, FHSS - Language Center, UNNC
Fyson, Rachel, Sociology & Social Policy, UNUK
Glushenkova, Marina, Nottingham University Business School China, UNNC
Grandage, Sarah, English, UNUK
Grewal, Surbhi , Biosciences, UNUK
Hughes, Gwen, Medicine , UNUK
Jaeger, Christof, Engineering , UNUK
Kirwan, Peter, English, UNNC
Kneller, Richard, Economics, UNUK
Lee, Christina, English, UNUK
LI, Lei, Nottingham University Business School China, UNNC
Ma, Yiben, CELE, UNNC
Matsumoto, Lila, English, UNUK
Mevel, Pierre-Alexis, Cultures, Languages & Area Studies, UNUK
Moore, Rachel, Engineering, UNUK
Nasher, Omar, Life Sciences, UNUK
Nubia, Onyeka, Humanities, UNUK
Ong, Fon Sim, Provost Office, UNM
Onions, Vicki, Veterinary Medicine & Science, UNUK
Ooi, Belle, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UNM
Rull, Lisa, Disability Support Services, Deputy Registrars, UNUK
Schultz, Corey, School of International Communications, UNNC
Subramaniam, Ganakumaran, School of Education, UNM
Templey, Clare Geography, UNUK
Thulasiraman, Nandha Kumaar, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UNM
Wong, Tze Peng, School of Education, UNM
Yap Lip Vun, Joshua, Foundation in Science, UNM
YONG, SU TING, Foundation in Engineering, UNM
Team category of award
Admissions Team, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, UNUK
Applied English Web Team, UNUK
Apprenticeship Development Team, Chemistry, UNUK
Arts Foundation Year, UNUK
Digital Learning Directors, All Faculties, UNUK
Faculty of Arts ESE Team, UNUK
Placements and Clinical Rotations Team, School of Veterinary Medicine & Science, UNUK
SHYNE Team, Health Sciences, UNUK
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Team, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, UNUK
Vet Physio Team, School of Veterinary Medicine & Science, UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2020
Individual category of award
Bartel, Heike Cultures, Languages & Area Studies, UNUK
Barton, Benjamin Robin School of Politics, History and International Relations, UNM
Bertram, Anna Chemistry, UNUK
Blake, Holly Health Sciences, UNUK
Bonnyman, James Engineering, UNUK
Boote, Leia Life Sciences, UNUK
Breden, Simon Cultures, Languages & Area Studies, UNUK
Bull, Stephen Engineering, UNUK
Chemmangattuvalappil, Nishanth Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, UNM
Clamp, Kerry Sociology & Social Policy, UNUK
Cobb, Katy Veterinary Medicine & Science, UNUK
Crewe, Louise Geography, UNUK
Davies, Alison Engineering, UNUK
Fallon, Tracey School of International Studies, UNNC
Giberson, Helen Engineering, UNUK
Jabbal, Mark Engineering, UNUK
Kiwuwa, David School of International Studies, UNNC
Kow, Kien Woh Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, UNNC
Kwong, Chiew-Foong Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UNNC
LAW, CHUNG LIM Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, UNM
Lindsay, Cora Education, UNUK
Lockley, Joanne Life Sciences, UNUK
LOH, SANDY HWEI SAN School of Biosciences, UNM
Merrick, Deborah Life Sciences, UNUK
Miani, Mattia CELE, UNNC
Mikayelyan, Hayk School of Mathematical Science, UNNC
Mistry, Shailesh Pharmacy, UNUK
Morley, Kirsten Sociology & Social Policy, UNUK
Mueller, Christian School of International Studies, UNNC
Mustafa, Michael Nottingham University Business School, UNM
Patrick, Jonathan Psychology, UNUK
Penfold, Christopher Life Sciences, UNUK
Pierce, Robert Department of Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, UNNC
Ponirakis, Eleni English, UNUK
Rinaldo Soares, Jose Cultures, Languages & Area Studies, UNUK
Tan, K. Cohen School of International Communications, UNNC
Thomas, Nick Humanities, UNUK
Too, Wei Keong School of Education, UNM
Turner, John Engineering, UNUK
Weston, Emma Biosciences, UNUK
Whitt, Emma Psychology, UNUK
Wilson, Emma Medicine, UNUK
Team category of award
Teaching Technician Team, Veterinary Medicine & Science, UNUK
Centre for Academic Partnerships and Engagement (CAPE), School of Education, UNM
Web interactive tools in teaching project group, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, UNM
BSc Accountancy Team, Nottingham University Business School, UNUK
Senior Tutors for Medicine (Early Years), Life Sciences, UNUK
iHen: a physical and virtual animal learning experience, Biosciences, UNUK
Clinical learning 1, Health Sciences, UNUK
SACA (Student As Change Agent), Senior Administration, UNNC
Public Engagement Sub-module, Life Sciences, UNUK
CPSO, CELE Professional Services Office, UNNC
Dearing Award Holders 2019
Individual category of award
Allan Beverley, Life Sciences, UNUK
Bell Douglas, Education, UNNC
Braithwaite Karen, Veterinary Medicine and Science, UNUK
Brignell Chris, Mathematical Sciences, UNUK
Brown Ruairidh, Centre for English Language, Education, UNNC
Buckland Carl, Classics and Archaeology, UNUK
Goodwin Edward, Law, UNUK
Janssen Steve, Psychology, UNM
Kaliannan Maniam, Business, UNM
Kidd Ian, Philosophy, UNUK
Le Hang, Business School, UNUK
Mareta Sannia, Centre for English Language Education, UNNC
Merton Joe, History, UNUK
Rodriguez Flores, Sergio, Language Centre, UNNC
Sarma Vengageshvaran, Business, UNM
Wapenaar Wendela, Veterinary Medicine and Science, UNUK
Webster-Deakin Tara, Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, UNUK
Welsen Sherif, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UNNC
Team category of award
Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship, Health Sciences, UNUK
Agriculture Interactive Learning Activity with Simulation, Bio-Sciences, UNUK
Coaching and Support, Centre for English Language Education, UNNC
Learning Technologist Team, Education, UNUK
NAA IEP, Business, UNNC
Open-source Prosthetic and Assistive Devices, Engineering, School of Health Sciences, UNUK
PGCHE, Education, UNUK
Public Health Team, Medicine, UNUK
Social Work Teaching Team, Sociology and Social Policy, UNUK
Lord Dearing Award; Excellence in the Learning Environment
Student Activity and Innovation Centre, UNNC
Dearing Award Holders 2018
Individual category of award
Armour Andrew, Physics & Astronomy, UNUKConeyworth Lisa, Biosciences, UNUK
Couglin Tim, School of Medicine, UNUK
Edwards Kimberley, School of Medicine, UNUK
Eichhorn Markus, Life Sciences, UNUK
Emerson Anne, Education, UNUK
Feng Xuan, Nottingham University Business School, UNNC
Francis Gerard, Students' Association, UNMC
Haslan Risky-Harisa, Division of Organisational and Applied Psychology, UNMC
Hemsley Melvyn, Faculty of Engineering, UNUK
Heron Charles, Civil Engineering, UNUK
Holland Ben, Politics and International Relation, UNUK
Jones Arthur, Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, UNUK
Jones Benjamin, Architecture & Built Environment, UNUK
Kerry Roger, Health Sciences / Division of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences, UNUK
Kufuor Nana, Nottingham University Business School, UNNC
Minoia Marilena, CLAS, UNUK
Potts Tracey, CLAS, UINUK
Robinson John, Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, UNUK
Sim Mandy, CELFE, School of Education, UNMC
Ting Kang-Nee, Biomedical Sciences, UNMC
Wicks Tom, Mathematical, Sciences, UNUK
Team category of award
B73M31 The Politics of Maternity Care Module, Health Science,UNUK
Centre for 3D Design, Architecture & Built Environment, Enginnering, UNUK
Design Studio Development, Faculty of Engineering, UNUK
Enterprise for Chemists, Chemistry, UNUK.
Library, Research and Learning Resources, UNNC
Student Placements, Veterinary,Engineering, UNUK
The Behaviour Ecology Field Course, Life Sciences, UNUK
The Global Mentorship Programme, NUBS, UNNC
Virtual Reality for Building Information Modelling in Engineering Education, UNMC
Dearing Award Holders 2017
Individual category of award
Arp, Frithjof, NUBS, UNNC
Bagley, Steven, Computer Science, UNUK
Best, Rachel, School of Health Sciences / Division of Midwifery, UNUK
Birtch, Thomas, NUBS, UNNC
Crossley, Samantha, School Health Sciences / Division of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, UNUK
de Brot, Simone, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, UNUK
De Focatiis, Davide, Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, UNUK
Dimitrakis, Georgios, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, UNUK
Dunn, William, Life Sciences, UNUK
England, Gary, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, UNUK
Evans, Elizabeth, CLAS/Culture, Film and Media, UNUK
Fowler, Elizabeth, School of Health Sciences, UNUK
Gomes, Rachel Louise, Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, UNUK
Greedy, Steve, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UNUK
Greenhalgh, Kirsten, Nottingham University Business School, UNUK
Harris, John, Biosciences/Animal Sciences, UNUK
Jago, Mark, Humanities / Philosophy, UNUK
Lagares, Manuel, CLAS/SPLAS, UNUK
MacKenzie, Roderick, Mechanical Engineering,UNUK
McKenzie, Katy, Faculty of Engineering, UNUK
McWilliam, Stewart, Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, UNMC
Payne, Richard, Veterinary Medicine and Science, UNUK
Rutland, Catrin, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, UNUK
Southworth, Ernest, NUBS, UNNC
Swaby, Allan, Medicine, UNUK
Towey, Dave, School of Computer Science, UNNC
Team category of award
CLAS Year Abroad: Cecile Lancashire, Michaela Treis-Goodwin, Irma Van-Dijk, Sarah Wilson, CLAS
Non-Medical Prescribing; Dianne Bowskill , Alison Mostyn, Joanne Lymn, Sharon Rees, Health Sciences
Teaching and Learning in Healthcare Module: Jan Royal-Fearn, Roger Kerry, Health Sciences
The SVMS Welfare: Ali Curzon, Victoria Doggett, Jo Flewitt, Julia Kydd, Mike Targett, Sabine Tötmeyer, Veterinary Medicine and Science
University of Nottingham/GlaxoSmithKline Undergraduate Chemistry Drug Discovery:Thomas McInally, Simon Macdonald, Chemistry
UNNC School of International Communications: Paul Martin, Filippo Gilardi, Shixin Ivy Zhang, Melissa Shani Brown, David Fleming, Cohen Tan, Leanne Chang, Bjarke Liboriussen , Lily Yu, Nancy Liu, Ming Ren, Celia Lam, Annamaria Neag, Stephen Andriano-Moore, Jing Meng, Yiben Ma, Mary Ainslie, Allaina Kilb
Lord Dearing Award for Excellence in the Learning Environment
School of Mathematical Sciences
Dearing Award Holders 2016
Build a School Project team (Davies, Alison; Ramsay, John and Dugdale, Malcolm) ABE Engineering
UNUK Bonnyman, James; EEE UNUK
Boyd, Matthew; Anderson, Claire; Solanki, Vibhu; Sonnex, Kimberley; Brydges, Sarah; Pharmacy UNUK
Branson III, David; M3 UNUK
Callaghan, Patrick; Health Sciences UNUK
Caulfield, Paul; NUBS UNUK
Chan, Sue and Phillips Jennie; Life Sciences UNUK
Collis, Vernon; CEE UNUK
Cox, Stephen; Mathematical Sciences UNUK
Dauncey, Sarah; Contemporary Chinese Studies UNUK
Dunn, Janette; Physics & Astronomy UNUK
Fourny, Corinne; CLAS UNUK
Harrison, Simon; M3 Engineerin UNUK
Irwin, Derek; UNMC
Karunagharan, Jaya Kumar; UNMC
McGarry, Julie and Baker, Charley; Health Sciences UNUK
Moosmayer, Dirk; UNNC
Newall, Elizabeth ; LRLR UNUK
Nixon , Laura ; English UNUK
Sadoux, Marion; UNNC
Short, David; ABE UNUK
Stollhans, Sascha; CLAS UNUK
The Faculty of Engineering Technical Team; Engineering UNUK
Walker, James; UNNC
Whitfield, Lucie ; Health Sciences UNUK
Woodard, Christopher; Humanities UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2015
Aubeeluck, Aimee; Health Sciences UNUK
Bevan, Chris; Law UNUK
Blake, Holly; Health Sciences UNUK
Bukit Harapan Team; Health Sciences UNUK
Carr, Jacqui; Health Sciences UNUK
Cooker, Lucy; Education UNUK
East, Linda; Health Sciences UNUK
Farquharson, Maris; NUBS UNNC
Galloway, Kyle; Chemistry UNUK
Gaunt, Richard; History UNUK
Goodacre, Sara; Life Sciences UNUK
Goria, Cecilia; CLAS UNUK
Health Sciences Service User and Carer Advisory Group; Health Sciences UNUK
Heydon, Sue; Medicine UNUK
Hyde, Richard; Law UNUK
Johnson, Stacy; Health Sciences UNUK
Joseph, Patrick; Academic Services UNMC
Language Centre; International Communications UNNC
Mann, Claire; Health Sciences UNUK
Moore, Catherine and Westwater-Wood, Sarah; Health Sciences UNUK
Pickering, Steve; M3 Engineering UNUK
Pope, Graham and Chambers, Derek; Health Sciences UNUK
Stacey, Gemma; Health Sciences UNUK
Wilson, Max; Computer Science UNUK
Yang, Maggie; T&L Enhancement Office UNNC
Dearing Award Holders 2014
Anderson, Susan; GEM UNUKBainbridge, Ian; Law UNUK
Birch, Diane; Law UNUK
Bloomfield, Jeremy; English UNUK
Bond, Kay; 3M Engineering UNUK
Booth, Naomi; Veterinary Medicine UNUK
Eastwick, Carol; Engineering UNUK
e-learning team, Ningbo (Linda Zhang, Roger Zhang, Michele Zheng and Rena Yao); UNNC
Felton, Anne; Health Sciences UNUK
Gilardi, Filippo; International Communications UNNC
Graduate Nurse Curriculum team (Richard Windle (Associate Professor), James Henderson (Learning Technologist)
Hathway, Gareth; Life Sciences UNUK
Howard, Penny; Health Sciences UNUK
Lim, Joanne; SMLC UNMC
Liu, Martin J; NUBS UNNC
Morgan, Peter; NUBS UNNC
PGR student support team (Cin Mond Kong (Research Support Administrator) & Lindsay McLoughlin (Postgraduate Research Administrator); Health Sciences UNUK
Sargisson, Lucy; Politics UNUK
Sinclair, Neil; Humanities UNUK
Tan-Mullins, May; International Studies UNNC
Taylor, Michael (Learning Technologist - Media Developer) , Aaron Fecowycz (Web Developer); Health Sciences UNUK
Townsend, Sue; Humanities UNUK
Veerasingam, Sangeetha; Student Association UNMC
Warner, Lisa; CELE UNNC
Watts, Peter; Humanities UNUK
Yap, Winnie; Biosciences UNMC
Dearing Award Holders 2013
ASC (Peter Levrai, Terry Greatrex); Academic Support Centre UNNC
Brailsford, Tim; Computer Science UNNC
Broadley, Martin; Biosciences UNUK
Dow, Kevin; Business School UNNC
Eadie, Pauline; Politics UNUK
Evans, Catrin; Nursing UNUK
Evison, Jane; Education UNUK
Freeman, Sarah; Veterinary Medicine UNUK
Harrison, Andrew; English UNUK
Hood, Philip; Education UNUK
Inter-professional Learning team (Kerry Lewis, Milika Matiti, Damion McCormick, Richard Pitt); Nursing UNUK
Lawson, Kim; Academic Support UNUK
McIntyre, Joanna; Education UNUK
Moran, Sean; Engineering UNUK
Mossop, Liz; Veterinary Medicine UNUK
MPharm (Colin Melia, Helen Boardman, Cristina De Matteis, Felicity Rose, Andrew Morris (UNMC), Michael Randall (Biomedical Sciences)); Pharmacy UNNC/UNMC/UNUK
Neher, Gabriele; Humanities UNUK
Nielsen, Dr Nanette; Music UNUK
Nottingham Advantage Team: Mann, Vicky and Williams, Hayley; Careers and Employability Service UNUK
Pearce, Dr Frazer; Physics UNUK
Royal, Jan; Nursing UNUK
Rüll, Lisa; Academic Support UNUK
Tarmey, Dr Drew; GEM UNUK
Treacher-Kabesh, Dr Amal; Sociology UNUK
Wright, Rossana; Chemistry UNUK
Dearing award winners 2012
Bailey, Mary; Education UNUK
Chambers, Derek; Todhunter, Fern; Hallawell, Bob; Nursing UNUK
Clark, Alison; Nursing UNUK
Clark, Svetlana; Slavonics UNUK
Clifford, Simon; Veterinary Science UNUK
Cobb, Malcolm; Veterinary Science UNUK
Fisher, Andrew; Humanities UNUK
Grandage, Sarah; English UNUK
Hammond, Brean; English UNUK
Harvey, Kevin; English UNUK
Mahon, Chris; Business Studies UNUK
Marshall, Jayne; Nursing UNUK
McGarry, Julie; Thompson, Susan; Aubeeluck, Aimee; Nursing UNUK
Morton, Adam; Politics UNUK
Pilnick, Alison; Sociology UNUK
Schwarz, Gary; Business Studies UNUK
Tallant, Jonathan; Philosophy UNUK
Walters, Chris; Biology UNUK
Wilkinson, Simon; IS UNUK
Yut Moy, Leong; CLAS UNMC
Dearing Award Holders 2011
Alexander, Neal; English UNUK
Appleby, David; History UNUK
Bailey, Jenny; Nursing UNUK
Barker, Janet; Nursing UNUK
Bowen, Mark; Veterinary Medicine UNUK
Dianne Bowskill & Joanne Lymn; Nursing UNUK
Dunne, Loretta; Physics and Astronomy UNUK
Goddard, Richard; History UNUK
Hall, Carol; Nursing UNUK
John Horton & Richard Field; IS Learning Technologies Section, Geography UNUK
Khan, Gulshan; Politics UNUK
Lau, Benson; Architecture and Built Environment UNUK
Murphy, Therese; Law UNUK
Peter Cartwright & Nigel Gravells; Law UNUK
Schmitt, Norbert; English UNUK
Smethem, Lindsey; Education UNUK
Stuart, Mark; Politics UNUK
Tang, Sam; Chemistry UNUK
Windle, Richard; Nursing UNUK
Yip, Andrew; Sociology UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2010
Aston, Liz; Nursing UNUK
Baskaran, Geetha; Computer Science UNMC
Bernier, Celeste Marie ; American and Canadian Studies UNUK
Biddulph, Max; Education UNUK
Blake, Everton; Electrical & Electronic Engineering UNUK
Chappell, Sally; Molecular Medical Sciences UNUK
Colorectal Team; GEM UNUK
Gordon, Adam; Community Health Sciences UNUK
Green, Matt; English Studies UNUK
Luck, Martin; Biosciences UNUK
Pryce, Sue; Politics and International Relations UNUK
Rawlinson, Mark; Art History UNUK
Robinson, Joanna; English UNUK
Rush, Brenda; Nursing UNUK
Sullivan, Stefanie; Education UNUK
Thomas, Nick; History UNUK
Timmons, Stephen; Nursing UNUK
Tunstall, Richard; Graduate Entry Medicine UNUK
VLL Team; Education UNUK
Westwater-Wood, Sarah; Divison of Physiotherapy UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2009
Arrowsmith, Sue; Law UNUK
Barton, Sally; Mathematical Sciences UNUK
Boyd, Matthew; Pharmacy UNUK
Chambers, Claire; Geography UNUK
Kate Cobb & Eleanor Wood; Veterinary
Danchev, Alex; Politics & International Relations UNUK
Feinstein, Joel; Mathematical Sciences UNUK
Hocking, Catherine; Lakeside Arts Centre UNUK
Mike Humphreys & Mark Learmonth; Business School UNUK
Neher, Gabriele; Art History UNUK
Parker, David; Sociology UNUK
Parker, Sue; Sociology UNUK
c/o Parmjit, Dhugga; Research Training Team, Graduate School UNUK
c/o Quang, Luong; Ed:IT Team , Education UNUK
Reader, Tom; Biology UNUK
Roshier, Mandy; Veterinary Science UNUK
Schubert, Mirjam; Clincal Sciences UNUK
Speicher, Oranna; Language Centre UNUK
Tischler, Victoria; Community Health Sciences UNUK
Williams, Ed; Mechanical Engineering UNUK
Youens, Bernadette; Education UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2008
Crawford, Paul; Nursing UNUK
Doughty, Stephen; Pharmacy UNUK
Duce, Ian; Biology UNUK
Fisher, Andrew; Philosophy UNUK
Ford, Karen; CELE UNNC
Ramsay, Gordon; English UNUK
Stickley, Theo; Nursing UNUK
Thompson, Paul; Education UNUK
Widening Participation Summer School UNUK
Yelland-Sutcliffe, Janice; 3M Engineering UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2007
Benson, Trevor; Electrical & Electronic Engineering UNUK
Bowen, Mark; Veterinary UNUK
Brailsford, Tim; Computer Science & IT UNUK
Day, Christopher; Education UNUK
Dowsett, Rebecca; 3M Engineering UNUK
Freeman, Sarah; Veterinary UNUK
Hill, Christopher; Politics & International Relations UNUK
Mossop, Liz; Veterinary UNUK
Mount, Nick; Geography UNUK
Wilson, Robin & Rutherford, Peter ; Architecture UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2006
Academic Support Team; Portland Building UNUK
Bennett, Geoffrey; Biomedical Sciences UNUK
Bridges, Stephanie; Pharmacy UNUK
Clifford, Mike; 3M Engineering UNUK
Convery, Anne ; Education UNUK
Hibberd, Stephen; Mathematical Sciences UNUK
Lymn, Joanne; Nursing UNUK
McNally, Donal; 3M Engineering UNUK
Speight Sarah, Education UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2005
Ainsworth, Shaaron; Psychology UNUK
Cotrell Gibbons, Liz; Nursing UNUK
Hall, Carol; Education UNUK
Howarth, Peter; English Studies UNUK
Lawrence, Claire; Psychology UNUK
Murphy, Roger; Education UNUK
Scammell, Brigitte; Orthopaedic & Accident Surgery UNUK
Stevens, David; Politics UNUK
Wharrad, Heather; Nursing UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2004
Brooks, Richard; Engineering UNUK
Churchill, Richard; Medicine UNUK
Cowley, Philip; Politics UNUK
Davidson, Michael; SEDU UNUK
De Matteis, Cristina; Pharmacy UNUK
Joyes, Gordon; Education UNUK
Maddox, Steve; Physics & Astronomy UNUK
Pratten, Margaret; Biomedical Sciences UNUK
Robinson, Michael; Department of Surgery UNUK
Scudamore, Rachel; SEDU UNUK
Dearing Award Holders 2003
Aldridge, Alan; Sociology & Social Policy
Barnard, Christopher J.; Life & Environmental Science
Barnatt, Christopher; Business School
Forbes, Hamish; Humanities
Glazebrook, Cris; Community Health Sciences
Hall, Christine; Education
Hood, Philip; Education
Howe, Alan; Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering and Management
Lester, Edward; Chemical, Environmental and Mining Engineering
Lowe, James; Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Mather, Paul; Geography
Symonds, Ian; Human Development
Dearing Award Holders 2002
Brydges, Stephen; Information Services Directorate
CAP group (John Horton, MC McCants, B Wood, SH Wright); Information Services Directorate
Coyle, Do; Education
Dugdale, Robert; Geography
Hubberstey, Peter; Chemistry
Humphrey, Stephen; Economics
Lowe, Kenneth; Life & Environmental Sciences
Marsh, Cynthia; Modern Languages
Melia, Colin; Pharmacy
Sinclair, Barbara; Education
Dearing Award Holders 2001
Askew, Bill; Civil Engineering
Ball, Jonathan; Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Bishop, Pam; Education
Camara, Miguel; Pharmacy
Davies, Peter; Life & Environmental Sciences
Doherty, Michael; Medical & Surgical Sciences
Harris, Belinda; Education
Lee, Donna; Politics
Mayhew, Terry; Biomedical Sciences
Schofield, Damian; SCHEME
Dearing Award Holders 2000
Brown, Stuart; Biomedical Sciences
Chapple, Mary; Nursing
Clare, Jon; Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Dale, Mark; Continuing Education
Jones, Erik; Politics
McDowell, Glenn; Civil Engineering
Neher, Gabriele; History & Art History
Shipway, Philip; Manufacturing Engineering & Management
Sockett, Liz; Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Willis, Martin; Chemistry
Dearing Award Holders 1999
Atherton, J.; Biological Sciences
Booth, A.; History
Bowley; R.M.; Physics & Astronomy
Choo, B.S.; Civil Engineering
Davidson, G.; Chemistry
Day, T.H.; Medicine & Health Sciences
Dennick, R.; Medicine & Health Sciences
Forster, A.W.; Politics
Hibberd, S.; Mathematical Sciences
Luck, M.; Biological Sciences
Maxwell, K.J. & Mellor, C.J.; Physics & Astronomy
McGuirk, B.; Modern Languages
Meller, H.E.; History & Art History
Morgan C.W.; Economics
Ormerod, D.C.; Law
Shaw, P.N.; Pharmaceutical Sciences
Sparrow, R.A.; Medicine & Health Sciences
Todd, I.; Medicine & Health Sciences
Whiting, R.; Chemistry
Wright, M.E.; Language Centre