Professional Development

Dearing Awards information

Celebrating Excellence in the Teaching Learning Environment

The Lord Dearing Awards acknowledge the world-class contribution made by University staff to creating a student learning environment which is nurturing as well as challenging, creative and innovative.



The Lord Dearing Award scheme has been running since 1999. It was supported personally by Ronald Dearing, Lord Dearing the fifth Chancellor of The University of Nottingham and it has seen more than 100 members of staff receive an award for high quality teaching and the support of learning.

The scheme is overseen by Teaching and Learning Executive Group. The scheme’s judging panel consists of the Assistant Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning, the Vice-Provosts for Teaching and Learning from UNNC and UNMC, senior members of staff and officers of the Student Union.

The panel meets once a year to consider the achievements of colleagues – academic, technical and administrative – who have been nominated, and they select the best ones for an award. Each year twenty awards are made to teaching staff and ten for staff from other categories, e.g. technical or support staff.Each year up to fifty awards are made to teaching staff and staff from other communities, technical services or learning support staff, for example.

Winners are invited to a celebration ceremony where they are presented with an award certificate. The list of winners and examples of winning entries will be published on the University’s website. The awards are highly valued within the University; they will, for instance, be taken into account in applications for promotion.

For all communication about the Dearing Awards, please email

Professional Development

Kings' Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

telephone: +44 (0) 115 74 84800