Sustainable buildings
The University is committed to developing low carbon buildings, setting ourselves the ambitious target of BREEAM Excellent as a minimum for all new capital projects ─ the most widely used environmental assessment for buildings.
This standard ensures that sustainability is included throughout all stages of building development, from design through to post-occupancy. This includes:

Green features of the University's recent new builds include:
- rainwater harvesting
- living wall and green roofs
- passive design
- biomass boilers
- straw bale construction
GSK Carbon Neutral Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry
The first carbon neutral laboratory to be built in the UK, this building was awarded BREEAM Outstanding and LEED Platinum certifications in April 2017– the highest levels of green building certifications.
The laboratory is built from natural materials and energy needs are met by renewable sources such as solar power and sustainable biofuel. Excess energy generated by the building is used to heat adjacent offices and will provide enough carbon credits over 25 years to pay back the carbon used in its construction.
The building includes a winter garden, designed to capture low-level heat in the spring, and a green roof that helps to insulate the building and reduce stormwater runoff.
Chemicals at the facility are held in special storage units, meaning individual laboratories can shut down overnight, substantially reducing ventilation and cooling requirements.
Overall, the building is estimated to deliver power savings of more than 60% and will use just 15% of the heat needed for a more traditional building design.
Read more about the building design
Research Acceleration and Demonstration building
The building has been designed to achieve BREEAM Excellent and includes Passivhaus measures to reduce energy requirements. Passivhaus is based on the creation of a building with excellent insulation and a high level of airtightness, in which air quality is maintained via a whole building mechanical ventilation system.
Housing state-of-the-art facilities for research and testing as part of the Energy Research Accelerator initiative, it is one of the first research centres in the UK to combine BREEAM and the German Passivhaus system. It includes laboratory space for research ranging from harvesting and storing wind energy, to the development of new materials for hydrogen storage.
The building also features a four storey ‘living wall’, helping to regulate temperature and insulate sound.
Creative Energy Homes
The University has built a number of real homes to conduct research into energy efficiency and low or zero-carbon housing.
Working with various industry sponsors, the Creative Energy Homes showcase innovative energy-efficient homes of the future on a real street - Green Close - on University Park campus.
Brownfield Development and Refurbishment
Where practical, we seek to utilise and refurbish existing building stock or, where this isn't possible, we seek to undertake new developments on brownfield sites. By doing so, we are able to minimise the environmental impact of the development, reducing the embodied carbon and protecting natural capital. Examples include:
- The George Green Library on University Park - a large library was remodelled and extended, transforming it into a state of the art library space
- The Mathematics Building on University Park - an existing building was remodelled and extended by building on an existing car park. This enabled us to benefit from the embodied carbon within the structure and minimize the loss of natural capital.
Regeneration at Jubilee Campus
Built on former industrial land, Jubilee Campus is an outstanding example of brownfield regeneration, sustainability, low energy design and innovative architecture. Green design practices include:
- use of natural materials such as cedar redwood cladding and recycled newspaper insulation
- roof-mounted wind catchers to provide ventilation
- maximising natural daylight internally while providing external shading to control solar gain
- low energy lighting and intelligent controls
- innovative earth tube to passively heat / cool external air entering the building
- series of man-made lakes that provide a valuable wildlife habitat and contribute to heating and cooling of buildings
- rainwater runoff is fed back into the lakes
- low-growing alpine plants on roofs, which contribute to biodiversity and water attenuation
Major Refurbishment of Castle Meadow Campus
Castle Meadow was constructed in 1994 with the original design developed by Hopkins Architects and Arup. An exemplar of its time, the existing buildings use several passive, ventilation and cooling mechanisms in their design, and unlike many buildings from its era are heated by a lower carbon Energy from Waste (EFW) district heating network.
The purchase of the site by the University presented an opportunity for us to demonstrate the University’s commitment to embedding sustainability, as it undergoes a transformation into a modern university campus. We can re-use the existing substructures and superstructures, which have not yet reached the end of their design life, along with any elements of the façade, building services, and internal finishes which are suitable for re-use. By opting to refurbish existing building stock, rather than building new, carbon is saved. The carbon saved via the acquisition of CMC and not building new is 22,000 tonnes of CO2, which is more than half of the current University scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint (2021/2022 total scope 2 & 1 carbon emissions were 37,166 tonnes of CO2).
As well as the embodied carbon benefits from refurbishing existing buildings, the base level of scope 1 and 2 emissions from the existing buildings is low compared to other university campuses, partly as a consequence of both its function and its design many decades ago. Work under taken by Arup has compared the Energy Use Intensity (EUI - annual energy use per square metre) in its current Business As Usual configuration, against the existing university estate. The energy efficiency of Castle Meadow’s original design is reflected in the fact that it has a lower EUI than any other current University campus, and comes in at roughly half the average EUI of the University estate. Modelled scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions from CMC represent less than 5% of the Universities scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.
Read more about Castle Meadow Campus
- 2017 ─ RIBA East Midlands Sustainability Award for George Green Library
- 2017 ─ S-Lab Best Physical Sciences building for GSK Carbon Neutral Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry
- 2017 ─ RICS Regional Award Design Through Innovation for GSK Carbon Neutral Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry
- 2015 ─ RIBA East Midlands Sustainability Award for The Barn
- 2014 ─ BREEAM Education Building of the Year for Energy Technologies Building