
Get involved

Working together landscape yellow

We’re committed to our university being truly sustainable. We’re already doing a lot, but now’s the time to really step it up.

Whether you're a student or member of staff, you can make a difference. Even the smallest actions add up to big impact, like walking instead of driving, or avoiding single use plastics. Every sustainable change we make takes us closer to our goal.  

Change is possible when we all work together.

There are many ways staff and students can get involved in creating a leading green university and lessen our collective and environmental impacts.



For staff

Sustainability inductions for new staff

All new starters at UoN have access to the university’s Introduction to Environmental Sustainability e-learning module. This covers:

  • the impact human activity is having on the planet,
  • the university's strategy, commitment and actions on environmental sustainability,
  • areas in our lives where the most impactful changes can be made.

There is also supplementary information in our Knowledge Hub sharepoint page that all staff can access at any time.  

Access induction resources (UoN login required)

Estates staff

New starters in the Estates and Facilities department undergo mandatory in-person training on sustainability which is more focussed on operational environmental issues specific to the types of roles in the department.

Academic staff 

Academic staff have a toolkit for embedding sustainability and the UN SDG’s into the curriculum.

Visit the Education for Sustainable Development Sharepoint

For students

See more student opportunities

Student sustainabiity inductions

Sustainability is part of every student’s induction. Information and resources are provided at varies stages; before students arrive, during Welcome week and into Term 1. Here are some examples:

  • Pre-arrival information. Sustainability is part of the information emailed to students before they arrive. This includes the Student Living Guide, sustainability video, sustainability strategies and policies.
  • Student Living induction. The university’s main Student Living webpages includes articles on sustainability.
  • Student academic induction resources. Sustainability information is provided to academic departments to include in their course inductions.
  • Welcome events. The Sustainability Team attend various events during the first weeks of the academic year. This includes having stands at the SU Freshers Fair, the university’s Welcome Village and Student Living fair to promote sustainability at UoN and speak to students directly. The Sustainability Team also arrange activities such as environmental talks, second-hand bike sales, tree planting events and Climate Fresk training in collaboration with other departments and student societies. These events then continue throughout the year.
  • In-person inductions. During 2023/2024, a new eco-induction programme was piloted in the School of Geography and Nottingham Business School. The intention is for this to be rolled out across the university.


Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
