Halls Competition 2024web banner

 What is 'go! Greener'?

Go! Greener is a university competition aimed at reducing carbon emissions and waste, helping the University of Nottingham reach its goal of cutting carbon emissions by 63% by 2030 We’re in a climate and nature emergency and we need to change the ways we live to be kinder to the planet.

Students in on-campus catered halls, plus Melton Hall, automatically take part in this inter-hall competition each year. Each term focuses on different sustainability actions, with prizes awarded to the winning halls. Plus you’ll develop some good habits for when you move out into your own housing.

The competition consists of two phases:

  • Term 1: Go! Switch Off and save electricity (1 – 30 November 2024)
  • Term 2: WasteNott and reduce waste (3 February – 10 March 2025)

By participating in the Go! Greener Halls Competition, you’re not only helping your hall win exciting prizes, but also taking a key step toward a more sustainable future. Every small action you take contributes to a larger impact. 

So, let's take action together! Go greener and help us create a sustainable future.

Term 1: go! Switch Off, 1 – 30 November 2024

Goal: Reduce electricity and water consumption

We’ll be tracking each halls electricity usage and comparing it to their historical average, which forms the baseline and target for each hall. The hall that reduces their electricity use the most compared to their baseline will win!

View the live energy dashboards to see how halls are doing

Key actions to save energy

Wherever you live there are actions you can take to save energy, save money and save the planet!

  1. Switch off electronics and lights when not in use, especially when leaving a room. Unplug chargers, turn off lights, and switch off electronics when they’re not in use. Did you know that leaving devices plugged in when not in use still drains power?
  2. Take shorter showers – Cutting your shower time by just 2 minutes can save significant energy and water. Can you take the 4-minute shower challenge to conserve both energy and water?
  3. Use natural light - instead of turning on lights during the day, make the most of natural light by opening curtains or blinds.
  4. Layer up instead of turning up the heating. Keep your windows closed when the heating is on, and dress warmly indoors instead of cranking up the heat. Use heating wisely—don’t heat rooms that aren’t in use.
  5. Laundry tips - Wash clothes in full loads and on a colder cycle. 80% of energy used in a wash cycle is used to heat the water. Avoid using energy hungry tumble dryers and opt for air drying instead.
  6. Turn off taps when washing hands or brushing teeth.

Did you know?

On average, our on-campus halls create over 4.8 million kg CO2 each year.

Per student, that’s almost the same as flying from London to New York, or driving to Moscow!




If all lights on our UK campuses were left on overnight, it would create around 15 tonnes CO2 in a single evening!


Every £1 saved on energy can instead be used to enhance the university’s core activities, including teaching and research.


Tumble drying washing in halls of residence accounts for around 300 tonnes CO2 each year.


Autumn 2024 winners

Rutland Hall won the Go! Switch Off Autumn 2024 competition. A special congratulations also to Sherwood and Lenton & Wortley halls, who secured 2nd and 3rd place, respectively.

The 1st and 2nd place halls reduced their energy use by 18% and 17% resepectively. 

All halls saved over 33,500 kWh of electricity and 6,948kg of CO2 during the competition. 

This is enough to power an average UK home for 12 years, or is the equivalent of 6 return flights from Manchester to New York.

Autumn energy2024 Winners table

Term 2: WasteNott, 3 February – 10 March 2025

 Goal: Reduce waste and promote recycling

In Term 2 the focus shifts to minimizing waste. Reducing waste and overconsumption is key to limiting our environmental impact and living more sustainably. 

Your choices matter - from what you buy to what you discard. The power to make a positive impact on our environment is in your hands.

Key actions to reduce waste

  1. Reduce: Avoid buying things you don’t really need. Avoid items with excessive packaging and single-use products.
  2. Reuse: Carry a refillable water bottle to cut down on plastic waste. The campus has water fountains for refilling.
  3. Recycle: Learn what can and cannot be recycled by following the signs above bins or using the university’s A-Z guide to waste.
  • Wash it - avoid food contamination by making sure waste is clean
  • Dry it - wet paper and cardboard can’t be recycled
  • Squash it - minimise the amount of space the recycling takes up
  • Recycle it - make sure you put it in the right bin

By effectively recycling, we not only divert waste from landfill but also limit the need for new materials, leading to a significantly lower carbon footprint.

Help your hall win by Recycling Right! 

Did you know?

Each year UoN halls of residence generate roughly 676.6 tons of waste. That’s enough to fill 62 full bin lorries


On campus, only 37% of waste is placed in the right bin.


Tip: Use reusable cups and take advantage of the university's Latte Levy to save up to 40p per drink.


More tips to reduce waste


Current standings as of Monday 10 February

The league table shows the amount of waste each student in each participating hall has created on average since the competition started.

Currently, students in Newark Hall are leading the way, followed by Lincoln and then Melton.

There is a long way to go, keep up the good work!

go! Greener league table 10.02.25

Previous winners

Florence Boot Hall won the spring 2024 WasteNott competition!

Florence Boot managed to reduce their waste by 168 kg, the rough weight of which equates to 120 laptops or 700 iPhones.

Combined, all halls reduced their waste by 902kg, which is the weight of around 4,510 potatoes or 257 game consoles!


 Tips to win in the Go! Greener Halls competition

  • Spread the word: Encourage your friends and hallmates to join the effort. Collective effort is key. The more people involved, the better your chances of winning.
  • Use checklists and tips: Follow the university's checklists and tips and look out for for further information and support.
  • Share tips: Encourage everyone to adopt energy-saving and waste-reducing habits. Share your own tips on social media or in hall group chats.

Don't forget to log all your sustinable actions on Green Rewards to be in with the chance of winning more prizes every month.

For more sustainable living tips, view our Sustainable Living Guide.   



Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
