
Frequently asked questions

Strategy, governance and funding

What is the senior management representation for environment and sustainability at the University of Nottingham?
What is the University of Nottingham’s commitment to sustainability and environmental policy?
What progress has the University of Nottingham made in reducing its carbon footprint?
Does the University of Nottingham have an externally verified Environmental Management System (EMS)?


Getting involved

I have an idea for a sustainability project - where can I get funding and support?
How can I keep up to date with sustainability news at the University of Nottingham?
What information is provided for new staff on sustainability at the University of Nottingham?
Which University Committees are students represented on?

Is there any student or staff-led auditing/monitoring of environmental sustainability at the university?

Does the University run a Green Week?
What sustainability campaigns does the University run that reach all students and staff?
Is there a staff engagement scheme to involve staff in improving the environmental performance of the university?

Teaching and learning

How is the University of Nottingham committed to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)?
What support and training is available to teaching staff to further embed sustainability themes in the curriculum?
Are there any opportunities to link sustainability on campus to my studies?

How does the university support and provide equal access to higher education?



Energy and carbon

My office is too hot or too cold - who can I report this to?

Does the university have a Carbon Management Plan?


What is the university doing about Scope 3 (indirect) emissions?

How does the University of Nottingham incorporate sustainability into its buildings?


Waste and recycling

Where can I find information about recycling specific items?
How can I recycle batteries?
How can I recycle printer cartridges?
How can I recycle my old office furniture?
I’m having an end of term clear out: where can I donate clothes and other small items?
How does the University of Nottingham manage its food waste? 


Sustainable transport

I’m new to Nottingham. Where can I find out about my travel options to the University?
Where can I find out about the University’s hopper bus services?
Where can I find out more about hiring a bike?
Where can I lock up my bike on campus?
How can I hear more about Dr. Bike sessions?


Sustainable procurement and investment

What green purchasing practices exist at the University of Nottingham?
What efforts does the University of Nottingham make towards purchasing sustainable food?
What is the University of Nottingham’s stance on divestment?

Has the university invested in renewable/low carbon energy or other ethical initiatives?



Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
