Cycle facilities
Cycle parking, showers and lockers
The University of Nottingham has cycle parking areas to accommodate around 5,000 bicycles, as well as numerous shower facilities where you can freshen up after your journey.
Use the interactive maps to find your nearest cycle parking on campus, including details of access arrangements and whether the cycle stands are covered, plus the closest shower facilities and locker storage.
Cycle repair facilities
To help you keep your bike in good working order we have installed Cycle Repair stands across our Campuses. From gear and brake adjustment to tyre inflation, the Cycle Repair stands provide useful tools to carry out basic cycle maintenance. Each repair stand provides:
- High pressure pump and tyre removal tools
- Screwdrivers - slot head and (Philips/posidriv)
- Torx star key T25
- Double ended cone spanner angled DCW-4C 13/15mm
- Double ended straight spanner CBW 1 8-10mm
- Double ended straight spanner CBW 4 9-11mm
- Allen Keys size: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
Use the interactive maps to find your nearest cycle repair stand on campus.
Bike pumps are provided in some of the cycle stores on campus - details are provided within the interactive maps. If you are living in the Halls on campus, then the Welcome Points at University Park and Jubilee Campus have a bike pump you can borrow. At Sutton Bonington, you can borrow a bike pump from CLV Reception in Stanford Hall and at the Students Services Hub in the Barn. David Road Sports Village, Jubilee Sports Centre and Sutton Bonington Sports Centre all have a bike pump you can borrow - just ask at the sports centre reception.
Repair packs are available from a range of buildings on campus. They contain:
View the locations of the repair packs 
Find out more about cycling at the University of Nottingham