
Policy and performance

We will make an outstanding contribution to supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our research and education, our engagement with partners and our behaviour on campus and in our communities. We will place a special emphasis on environmental sustainability, supporting the City of Nottingham’s desire to be a net zero carbon city by 2028 and working with partners in China and Malaysia to improve sustainability within their regions.
University of Nottingham Strategy

As a major global organisation we recognise that we have an environmental, economic and societal impact locally, nationally and internationally. 

Increasingly our students, staff and local community partners recognise and expect the University to be a leading advocate of sustainability in its teaching, learning, research, decision-making and operations.


Environmental Sustainability Delivery Plan

The University has made significant progress in driving forward the environmental agenda over the last decade and is seen as a global leader in this arena.

Our Environmental Sustainability Strategic Delivery Plan PDF format (published in February 2021) sets out our priorities to deliver against the University strategy, with our key priorities being:

  • Delivering our greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets from UK campus operations and developing a road map for delivery;
  • Delivering the agreed actions from “Locking in the benefits of lockdown” action plan;
  • Delivering an Environmental Sustainability Engagement Plan;
  • Developing a sustainability-focussed decision making framework;
  • Establishing a Research and Knowledge Exchange (KE) Environmental Sustainability Committee, reporting to the University Research and KE Committee;
  • Establishing an Education and Student Experience (SE) Environmental Sustainability Committee, reporting to the University Education and SE Committee;
  • Launching a Biodiversity Action Plan for UK campuses;
  • Developing and publishing clear action plans for UNNC and UNM to support this strategic delivery plan.



Environmental Sustainability Policy Statement

The Environmental Sustainability Policy Statement sits alongside and compliments the University’s Strategic Delivery Plan for Environmental Sustainability 2021-30, to set out overarching principles that will drive our work.



Our Key Performance Indicators

Sustainability Key Performance Indicators
 KPI 22/23 Performance 2030 Target Baseline
Total tonnes of scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions  33,501 tonnes  63% decrease by 2030 to 15,702 t

 42,439 t (18/19)

Single occupancy car use for staff commuting trips (%)  48%  43% by 2030  48% (22/23)
Use of sustainable modes for staff commuting trips (%)  42%  47% by 2030  42% (22/23)
Use of sustainable modes for student commuting trips (%)  77%  77% by 2030  77% (22/23)
On-site waste segregation (%)  46%  15% increase by 2030  38% (18/19)
Total tonnes of waste generated  2,512 tonnes  10% reduction by 2030  2,654 t (18/19)
Biodiversity on university campuses  766 habitat units  Minimum 10% increase by 2030  766 (22/23)
Kg CO2e saved through Green Rewards app actions   101,268 Kg  40% increase by 2030  101,268 Kg (2022) 

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
