Biodiversity is the living fabric of our planet. It plays a significant role in human health and being outside and immersed in nature has been shown to improve our mental wellbeing.
But Earth’s biodiversity is in decline, which threatens both nature and humans alike. The main drivers in the loss of biodiversity are climate change, invasive species, over-exploitation of natural resources, pollution and urbanisation.
Throughout May and June we are celebrating biodiversity and encouraging wildlife back into our lives. There are events at the university to get involved in, and things you can do at home to increase biodiversity in your garden. Or why not simply get outside, enjoy nature and explore our award winning green campuses. Plus, there are a whole new range of nature activities on the app Green Rewards. Complete them, earn points and get rewarded. Finally, look out for our blogs we'll be posting throughout with more news and information.
No Mow May
Plantlife’s No Mow May campaign asks everyone to lock away lawn mowers and leave gardens and parks to bloom and go wild for a month. The less that grass is mown, the more pollinators it will attract.
Following on from success in 2021, this year more space on campus is being left unmown to benefit wildlife including two lawns outside Derby Hall. Pathways through the middle will allow visitors to walk through and enjoy the flowering display and buzz of the insects.
Help us to conduct surveys of the areas to establish the change in levels of wildlife before and after the campaign (see details below).
You can also take part at home by changing your mowing habits to benefit wildlife. Leave your own lawn to grow wild then survey it at the end of the month to how many flowers have benefitted from being left alone, and in turn, the number of insects they can support.
Hedgehog Awareness Week (1 – 7 May)
Over the last 20 years, hedgehog numbers in rural areas have plummeted by 50%, and in urban gardens by 30%. In response, passionate members of the university formed the UoN Hedgehog Friendly Campus Group. They raise awareness of the plight of the hedgehog and taking action across our campuses.
During Hedgehog Awareness Week, join them on a litter pick on Univeristy Park or take part in their garden competition (see details below).
Events celebrating biodiversity at the university
Wednesday 4 May
No Mow May surveying on University Park
Join the university grounds team and the student Conservation Society to survey areas before they are left to grow wild as part of No Mow May. Meet on Portland steps overlooking the lake.
Friday 6 May
Litter pick on University Park
Spend your lunch break with the Hedgehog Friendly Campus group on a litter pick and help make campus a safer place for all wildlife. Meet on Portland steps overlooking the lake.
More information.
Thursday 12 May
Litter pick on Jubilee
Join the Estates Sustainability Team on a lunchtime litter pick on Jubilee campus and help make campus a safer place for wildlife. Meet at the Aspire sculpture.
More information.
Wednesday 25 May
Change of event - Tree guard removal at Sutton Bonington
Join the university grounds team and the student Conservation Society in removing tree guards at Diamond Wood in Sutton Bonington. Tree guards were placed around the newly planted trees several years ago to protect them from being eaten and damaged by deer and other wildlife. They can now be removed now the trees are old enough.
Meet at the Sutton Bonington main College Road entrance at 1.15pm followed by a walk over to Diamond Wood for a 1.30pm – 3pm session.
Wednesday 1 June
No Mow May surveying on University Park
Join the university grounds team and the student Conservation Society to survey areas after they are have been left to grow wild as part of No Mow May to see the change in wildlife levels. Meet on Portland steps overlooking the lake.
Monday 27 June
Big Nottingham Spring Clean at Highfields Park
Nottingham City Council are holding litter picks across the city throughout spring. Join them and meet members of the local community on a litter pick and park improvement day around Highfields Park next to the univeristy. Meet at the Boathouse.
More information.
Get rewarded on Green Rewards
Log your wildlife friendly actions on Green Rewards to earn points and win prizes. Get rewarded for attending any of our biodiversity events, for taking part in No Mow May at home and encouraging wildlife into your garden. Plus take a break outside and explore the univeristy’s green spaces. Whilst you're there, share with us your #BeastsofUoN pictures and the best ones will be fetaured on our Instagram page.
Sign up to Green Rewards today and start earning points.
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trusts
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is the county’s largest environmental charity - run by local people for the benefit of local wildlife, with nature reserves across the county. Find out about their events, activities and campaigns including 30 Days Wild - where they are asking the nation to do one 'wild' thing a day every day throughout June.
Posted on Monday 25th April 2022