

The Constitution of Council is governed by Statute (Section 6 and Section 7) and Ordinance X


Chair of Council and Pro-Chancellor: Sir Keith O'Nions

Vice-Chair of Council: Nora Senior

Treasurer: Giles Willits

President and Vice-Chancellor: Professor Jane Norman

Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Professor Sam Kingman

Staff Members:
Dr Pearl Agyakwa
Professor Joanne Lymn 
Professor Thomas Sotiriou
Andrew Armstrong                                                                                                         

External Members (neither staff nor students):

Vicky Bailey
Sonya Leydecker   
Piyali Mitra
Stephen Odell  
Michelle Haslem
Rakesh Sharma
Anthony Murphy

Student Representatives:
Nicola Maina (Union Development Officer)
Scarlett Zhang (Education Officer)

Secretary: Registrar (acting)

(membership updated 18 December 2024)

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Registrar's Office

Trent Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 115 951 5761
fax: +44 115 951 5739