School of Computer Science

Expanding Rural Horizons - The Digital Economy @ MUM 2012

The Scaling the Rural Enterprise project seeks to explore digital technologies in order to promote rural enterprise.Horizon digital economy researchers will be presenting this important work at MUM 2012,11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, December 2012 Ulm, Germany. Dr Alan Chamberlain a Co-Investigator on the project at the Mixed Reality Lab, based in Computer Science said, “The research and tools generated from this project will have real-world impact upon the communities that we are working with and importantly give other researchers in this area an insight into the rural digital economy. The Mixed Reality Lab and Horizon (Digital Economy Research) researchers are at the forefront of this research, engaging with real-world communities, tackling genuine economic issues and having impact where it counts.”

Full reference - Alan Chamberlain, Andy Crabtree, Mark Davies, Chris Greenhalgh, Tom Rodden, Stela Valchovska and Kevin Glover (2012) “Fresh and local: the rural produce market as a site for co-design, ubiquitous technological intervention and digital-economic development.” MUM 2012, Ulm, Germany, ACM.

Abstract - Ethnographic studies have played a key part in informing the design and development of a multitude of ubiquitous systems, from control room systems to pervasive games. While other papers have often focused on systems developed for urban contexts, this paper presents the initial findings of a study that focuses on a rural produce market in West Wales as a site for ubiquitous multimedia system-based intervention, digital economic considerations and co-design. The findings relate to the initial ethnographic fieldwork, digital-economic considerations for the site, the evolution of a participatory design strategy for developing a Market Portal and - importantly – the way that these are informing the design of the ubiquitous technologies relating to the Market Portal

Recent related Horizon Digital Economy research publications and presentations have been:

Alan Chamberlain, Mark Davies, Andy Crabtree, Chris Greenhalgh and Tom Rodden (2012) “The Rural Digital Economy: The local market as an arena for digital economic consideration and design”, Digital Futures 2012: The Third Annual Digital Economy All Hands Conference, University of Aberdeen, October 2012, RCUK

Alan Chamberlain, Mark Davies, Andy Crabtree, Chris Greenhalgh, Stela Valchovska, Tom Rodden, Kevin Glover (2012)  “From Maps to Markets: wild working in rural Wales, Digital Futures 2012: The Third Annual Digital Economy All Hands Conference, University of Aberdeen, October 2012, RCUK -Connected Creative Communities Workshop Presentation

Posted on Tuesday 11th December 2012

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
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