School of Computer Science

One of best papers at GISRUK

Heshan Du, winner of the Extraordinary School Prize, had her work published at GIS Research UK conference 2011 and has been invited for a special issue of Transactions in GIS journal as one of the best conference papers.

The GISRUK paper title and authors are: Geographical Information trust and integration from disparate sourcesHeshan Du*, , Suchith Anand*, Jeremy Morley*, Glen Hart+, Didier Leibovici*, Mike Jackson*, Mark Ware#

*University of Nottingham, UK
#University of Glamorgan, UK
+Ordnance Survey, UK

Posted on Tuesday 28th February 2012

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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