The Nottingham Confucius Institute

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NCI holds public talk on Chinese philosophy and the meaning of life

On 18 November, Nottingham Confucius Institute was delighted to host the fifth session in the NCI Chinese Philosophy Talk Series. Manuel Parreno joined us again via Teams to share a fascinating exploration of Chinese philosophy and the answers it can provide for those seeking meaning in their lives. Manuel is founder of the company "Embrace China" and has a long-standing interest in the country, its culture and philosophy.
26 November 2021

Weekly Online Tai Chi Sessions with NCI

Over twenty enthusiastic University staff, students and local residents attended our first online lunchtime Tai Chi session on Thursday 28 October. The free event was organised by NCI and delivered via ZOOM by Dr Lan Lo, a qualified Tai Chi instructor, who is also an academic member of staff at the University's School of Culture, Language and Area Studies.
14 November 2021

Chinese Cultural Workshop at Claremont Primary and Nursery School

Monday 8 November saw over 40 year 5 children at Claremount Primary and Nursery School have fun whilst learning about China and Chinese culture at a workshop organised NCI. The event was delivered by local artist and musician Ling Peng with support from NCI teacher Qin Yu.
14 November 2021

NCI teacher wins top awards at Mandarin teaching competition

We are pleased to announce that Miss Jiaohong Liao, one of our overseas volunteer teachers, competed at the "UK Mandarin Teaching Championship - Central and Northern England" on Sunday 24 October, winning not just first prize but also the award for "Best Lesson Plan Design".
28 October 2021

Family Fun at NCI's Chinese Dragon Puppet Workshop

To mark our annual Confucius Institute Day, NCI held another Chinese cultural workshop for children in partnership with Lakeside Arts on 9 October. The workshop "Chinese Dragon Puppet Making" was once again led by local artist, musician and storyteller Peng Ling with support from two CSSA student volunteers, Helen and Sky.
24 October 2021

"About China" Workshop 1 : 'Telling Stories through Music and Sound"

To celebrate our annual Confucius Institute Day, NCI has organised a series of workshops in partnership with Lakeside Arts, introducing local children and their families to elements of Chinese culture and language through fun, creative activities.
30 September 2021

NCI holds outdoor Tai Chi workshops led by Dr Lan Lo

Nottingham Confucius Institute were delighted to offer four Tai Chi workshops for University staff, students and members of the general public in the fresh summer air on UoN's beautiful University Park campus. Spread across July and early August, the events were organised in partnership with Lakeside Arts and led by Dr Lan Lo, a qualified Tai Chi instructor and member of staff at the University.
21 August 2021

Brush Painting fun for Mandarin students at Rushcliffe School

The week commencing 19 July saw year 8 and 9 Mandarin students at Rushcliffe School, one of NCI's partner schools, attend Chinese Brush Painting workshops, where they painted their first ever peony flowers. As you can see from the pictures on the right, the students' enthusiasm and flair produced some gorgeous artwork!
23 July 2021

NCI holds online training event for local Mandarin teachers

11 July saw NCI's annual teaching training programme take place online via Zoom. The event ran from 10:00-12:00 and attracted nearly ninety Mandarin teachers based at local primary and secondary schools in the UK.
20 July 2021
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Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0)115 748 4502
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