
Blurred vision in night club


When it comes to drugs, it’s important to be aware of the facts so that you can make informed decisions about the choices you make.


Think you, or someone you know, has a problem with drugs? Then it’s important to get the correct information and support.

Staying safe

Many students will choose to avoid trying or using any type of drug, while others may want to try them. Whatever your attitude towards drugs, it's important that you are aware of the facts so that you can recognise the risks. The risks can concern personal safety and wellbeing, as well as the legal consequences involved. 

Tips for staying safe

The best way to stay safe is to avoid drugs completely.

Things to consider:

  • Everyone's tolerance is different
  • You can never really be sure of the strength, content or purity of any illegal drug
  • Mixing more than one substance (including alcohol) can be unpredictable and dangerous
  • Don't assume everyone is capable of making it home, look out for your mates and keep each other safe
  • If you have taken drugs be sure to tell friends in case of any difficulties or problems.

Visit the Talk to FRANK website for a comprehensive list of drugs, including how it might affect you, the risks and the law. 

Legal highs?

The New Psychoactive Substances Act means that it is now illegal to supply any 'legal highs' for human consumption. The changes in the law mean it's now an offence to sell or even give psychoactive substances to anyone for free, even to friends.

Punishments range from a prohibition notice, which is a formal warning, to seven years in prison.

  • 'So called 'legal' or 'herbal highs' are designed to mimic class A, B or C drugs such as cocaine or cannabis but may not have been tested for human consumption.
  • New drugs are constantly being developed and long term effects on the body and brain are unknown.



Getting help, support and advice

If you're worried about drug use or would like to know more, you can get free confidential advice and information from:

University Counselling Service

'The Orchards' (situated behind Law & Social Sciences Building on University Park).

University Student Service Centres 

Go to your nearest Student Service Centre on campus for support and advice.

Student’s Union Advice Service

Provides impartial advice and information to students.
B Floor, Portland Building, University Park.


Nottingham Nightline is a student run, confidential listening and information service. Nightliners are on duty every night from 7pm - 8am during term time to listen to any problem you may have.

Tel: 0115 951 4985

Int: 14985 (from UoN hall phones)

Nottingham Recovery Network (NRN)

NRN delivers a complete and confidential access, advice, support, treatment and recovery service in the heart of Nottingham.  

You can simply ring or drop in for advice and an assessment of your needs at either centre:

  • 79a Upper Parliament Street, NG1 6LD
  • 73 Hounds Gate, Nottingham, NG1 6BB

Tel: 0800 0665362

The Place 

The Place provides a range of support services primarily for young people up to the age of 25 around drugs and alcohol. They work to reduce harm and promote positive change. The service is for young people who live in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

You can make a referral here

Services for Nottingham City and County residents

Change Grow Live (CGL) deliver an integrated drug and alcohol service in Nottinghamshire.

Services for Derby residents

Derby Drug and Alcohol Services - Information, advice and support for those affected by drugs and alcohol.


The University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666
email: studentcommsoffice@nottingham.ac.uk