Dietetic Practice Education

Welcome to the University of Nottingham Dietetic Practice Education website

The aim of the manual is to provide a single location for all stakeholders (students, practice educators and university staff) to access the most current information about dietetic practice education at the University of Nottingham. We hope that this will ensure that we are all working with the same resources and information and improve efficiency.

The development of the content has been based on discussion with a variety of people and from a workshop at Student Training Forum (STF) in April 2017. However we will continue to develop this resource as we receive feedback and as resources change so please do not hesitate to let us know if there is something else that would be helpful. Below is some information about the team.

Dietetic student placement team 

Fiona McCullough

Fiona McCullough

Fiona is the Practice Education Placement Manager for the undergraduate Master of Nutrition and Dietetics (MNutr) degree.  Fiona is responsible for:

  • Managing the placement team and facilitating regular meetings
  • Overseeing capacity and the allocation process
  • Placement quality assurance
  • Overseeing development, and management, of PebblePad
  • Placement tutor
Tel: 0115 9516118
Usual working days: Monday to Friday

Kathy Lawson 

Kathy Lawson

Kathy is Placement Manager for the course and part of the dietetic team.  She is the first port of call for all placement-related queries (from both practice educators and students). Examples of when you might be in touch with Kathy:

  • Faciliating all processes relating to dietetic placements - DBS, occupational health, allocations, quality assurance monitoring, all on-placement issues
  • Monitoring and facilitating the use of PebblePad - for dietetic students only
  • Student NHSLSF expenses - for dietetic students
  • Mental Health First Aider

Tel: 0115 9516061
Usual working days: Monday to Friday



Amanda Avery

Amanda Avery  

Amanda is the Course Director for the MNutr degree  and a placement tutor.
Tel: 0115 9516238
Usual working days: Tuesday to Friday

Jane Musson

team-Jane-Musson (alt)

Jane is on the placement team, and delivers and supports with FoL and mentor training.  She is also a placement tutor.
Tel: 0115 9516756
Usual working days: Monday to Friday


Andreia Moura

 Andreia Moura

Andreia is involved with the Clinical Nutrition MSc programmes and assists with placement-related tasks.
Tel: 0115 9516594
Usual working days: Monday to Friday

Moira Taylor

Moira Taylor

Moira is the Lead for Interprofessional Education and Learning.  She is also a placement tutor.
Tel: 0115 9516104
Usual working days: Monday to Thursday


Laura Birch

Laura Birch 2 

Laura is a placement tutor.

Tel: 0115 9516251
Usual working days: Tuesday to Friday

 Lucia Vazquez-Rocha

Lucia Vazquez-Rocha

Lucia is a placement tutor.
Tel: 0115 9516121
Usual working days: Monday to Friday


Dorothy Balhatchet

Dorothy Balhatchet 2

Dorothy is a placement tutor.
Tel: 0115 9516121
Usual working days: Monday to Thursday




Dietetic Practice Education

North Lab
Sutton Bonington Campus
Loughborough, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 6061