Dietetic Practice Education

Practice education tools and paperwork

Practice education tools, such as the A placement workbook and consulation tools for B and C placements, provide evidence of student learning on placement. Detailed guidance for B and C placement consulation tools is provided below.  

For students:

These tools will form the basis of your A, B and C placement portfolio, as well as continuing professional development (CPD) evidence as you progress through your training. It is your responsibility to complete them.  Be organised and proactive - download and familiarise yourself with the relevant tools before going on placement. 

For practice educators:

The most up-to-date placement paperwork is provided below.  Towards the end of their placement, please complete the end of placement paperwork (i.e. LOs and milestones form, professionalism tool and any outstanding assessment tools) with the student and email them the final copies.  The student will then upload these to their portfolio.

Guidance for attendance monitoring

All students and practice educators are asked to provide placement attendance information through PebblePad.  Guidance on attendance monitoring is provided below.  However, there may be local differences in how placement providers interpret some of this guidance, particularly in relation to adverse weather conditions.  

Agreed placement attendance and absence
Counted as days of attendanceCounted as a placement absence

Bank holidays

Agreed study leave

Usually, you will be released for 1 job interview as a part of C placement time. Any additional interview time usually is not counted as placement time. Being released from placement activity is at the discretion of your lead Practice Educator.

Agreed training

Snow and inclement weather (provided this is discussed with practice educators in a timely way)*

Sickness absence of up to 1 week (during the full placement)

Self-isolation (through discussion and agreement with practice educators as to work that is completed during this time)

PDF file icon AHP guide to continue practice learning while self-isolating


Interview* (see opposite), sporting activity/competition
Religious holiday/event
Civic/public duty
Carer's leave (child or other dependents) - both planned and unexpected
Home emergencies (flooding, fire, boiler failure, etc.)
Wedding/special occasion
Funeral (compassionate need may be needed)

*Snow and inclement weather: Each organisation will have its own policy and procedure for adverse weather events.  This guidance aims to standardise the approach to student as far as possible, although it is acknowledged that discrepencies will remain. 

Certain Trusts have stipulated that if staff are unable to deliver their clinical commitments (e.g. ward cover or clinics) due to adverse weather conditions, the missed time should be taken as annual leave.  For the purpose of student training, if you are unable to attend placement due to inclement weather, please call the department to discuss the arrangements for the day. Certain tasks of work may be agreed for you to work on remotely (at home) or in combination with your allocated study time for the week.  In this case, the day would be classed as you having attended placement. The scope of work completed will be checked on your return to placement. However, if you are unable to complete work remotely and are unable to attend the department, then the missed time will be classed as an absence. 


Tools and paperwork

C placement - ward round (218x220)

The following learning outcomes (LOs) and milestones forms will be used from January 2020:

B2 placement only
C placement only

Placement Progress Documentation

MS Word Icon Guidance for C placement assessment tools

MS Word Icon c-placement-los-and-milestones-2020 updated 05 2024

MS Word Icon Feed forward form

MS Word Icon Handheld record (optional)


 Assessment Tools


MS Word Icon Case review tool

MS Word Icon ICAT

MS Word Icon Group presentation tool

MS Word Icon professionalism-tool-updated-05-2024

MS Word Icon Reflection tool


PDF file icon CARE Measure

PDF file icon MS Forms version of CARE measure
* Click on the link above, duplicate the form and send the form to service users for them to complete

MS Word Icon IPL/team working tool

MS Word Icon Verified witness statement


MS Word Icon Health promotion project


Dietetic Practice Education

North Lab
Sutton Bonington Campus
Loughborough, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 6061