Dietetic Practice Education


At the start of each year, students are reminded of their responsibilities to demonstrate professionalism by being asked to read and agree to the MNutr Code of Conduct. We teach professionalism and encourage professional behaviour because there is increasing evidence to show that students who act unprofessionally at university are those more likely to find their practice placements more challenging to complete and pass. Teaching and providing guidance about expectations for professional behaviour (such as on this page) aims to reduce the likelihood of this happening. Below is a list of behaviours that are expected and things to avoid. Following these is likely to lead to a much more positive learning experience.

Expected professional behaviour - Do:

Before placement:

  • Visit the Preparing for placement webpage, and follow these instructions carefully
  • If you are going on placement, making sure you have your tunics – and that they fit! This has been a problem with students going on their C placement who had not realised that they had changed size or shape since B placement

During placement:

  • Wear appropriate clothing at all times and adhere to the dress code
  • Arrive on time and be prepared - part of professional behaviour is being organised
  • Attend all activities and meetings punctually and with the appropriate amount of preparation
  • Attend the whole day of placement (or in the case of the virtual A placement, the whole activity). If you are unable to attend placement, ensure that the placement supervisor is informed (e.g. phone and/or email as early as possible)
  • Make routine appointments, e.g. GP and dental, outside of placement hours
  • Respect staff time. If you cannot attend, you must inform staff
  • Complete paperwork and activities, e.g. tasks and assessment tools, on time




  • Demonstrate an enquiring attitude
  • Participate fully in all activities and group work
  • Listen and be as attentive as you can
  • Develop appropriate reflective skills
  • Accept constructive feedback and respond appropriately to comments
  • Always use appropriate language
  • Demonstrate respect for others and a non-discriminatory approach to practice, such as ensuring equitable care to all service users
  • Be polite and respectful of all staff, service users and carers at all times
  • Check emails regularly and respond to staff (at placement or the University)
  • Use appropriate formal language in emails and address staff appropriately
  • Adhere to organisational and departmental policies in the workplace at all times, e.g. service user confidentiality
  • Investigate and adhere to policy on the use of mobile phones
  • Take responsibility for your own learning, e.g. seek answers to questions yourself rather than asking the dietitian first
  • Attend all meetings with your mentor. These are not optional
  • Seek support if there is anything affecting your ability to undertake your placement. You cannot be supported if no one knows there is a problem!

After placement:

  • Complete your placement evaluation in a constructive way
  • Email expenses forms and evidence, receipts etc.,(if eligible to claim) to Kathy Lawson for signing   (dietetic students only)


    Unprofessional behaviour - Don't:

  • Arrive late (apologies with good reasons are essential!) - contact someone
  • Leave early without permission. You are expected to work full days
  • Appear disengaged or bored
  • Swear or use any other disrespectful or inappropriate language
  • Be rude or disrespectful of anyone
  • Expect staff to respond to emails over weekends and on days they do not work
  • Email staff as if they are your friends, e.g. put kisses at the end of emails to staff
  • Fail to attend activities booked with staff or change at the last minute without extenuating circumstances
  • Hand activities, tasks, assessment tools, etc.  in late
  • Take service user-related material home or discuss service users with others

Dietetic Practice Education

North Lab
Sutton Bonington Campus
Loughborough, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 6061