Dietetic Practice Education

Placement tutor resources

The resources on this page are intended for use by UoN MNutr placement tutors only.  Access to files containing personal information has been restricted to the MNutr team.

Pre-placement meetings:

Master copies of the student placement records are provided below.  Please download and complete the relevant paperwork at the student's pre-placement meeting.

MS Word Icon Student A placement record (for placement tutors only)

MS Word Icon Student B placement record (for placement tutors only)

MS Word Icon Student C placement record (for placement tutors only)

Please rename the file, using the student's surname at the start of the filename, and save the file into the appropriate student's folder here.

Practice educator contact details:

Up-to-date contact details for practice educators (to arrange visits and communicate with supervisors, etc.) are provided here. These lists are updated reguarly, but if you are aware of changes to names, email addresses or physical addresses, please let Kathy Lawson know.

Placement tutor feedback:

Please provide brief placement tutor feedback by clicking here.

Dietetic Practice Education

North Lab
Sutton Bonington Campus
Loughborough, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 6061