It’s important that as a healthcare professional, you are able to respond appropriately to situations of challenging behaviour; to reduce the risk to yourself, others around you, and indeed to the person in distress themself.
Recognising potential triggers for such behaviour is the first step in this process and is the subject of another resource in this series. You should complete that resource before undertaking this one.
When you do feel challenged by a patient or relative's behaviour, however, you can use your own body language, behaviour and communication to help to de-escalate the situation.
Click on the picture of the healthcare worker opposite for specific examples of how you can achieve this, according to the NICE guidelines of 2005 (Update 2015).
Click on each audio button for specific guidance for managing de-escalation

Give clear, brief, assertive instructions
Try to establish a rapport
Ask open questions
Show concern
Listen and show empathy
Acknowledge grievances, but do not be patronising and avoid provocation