Kayleigh's story

Kayleigh is a 1 year old girl who was admitted to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit with Meningococcal Meningitis. She’s recovered well and recently been transferred to the children’s general medical ward. Kayleigh is accompanied by her parents, Stephanie and Martin, who’ve been resident throughout her admission. The level of intervention she received in PICU was really reassuring for her parents, but they’re less happy with the seemingly lower level of care she’s now receiving.

An unwell child can cause parents to feel intense stress and anxiety. Alarms that constantly sound can exacerbate this, particularly if staff don’t appear to respond. Anxiety and frustration leads to Kayleigh’s dad becoming angry.

Now watch the video and consider how the ward manager handled the situation.

Video transcript

How well did the ward manager manage the situation here?


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