
COP27 activities and events at the university

What is COP27COP27

COP27 starts in Egypt on 6 November. This now annual United Nations climate summit brings together global leaders, negotiators, climate activities and others to agree steps to limit global carbon emissions, temperature rises and the impacts of climate change.

This 27th Conference of the Parties aims to build on the outcomes of COP26 in Glasgow in 2021. "Faced with a growing energy crisis, record greenhouse gas concentrations, and increasing extreme weather events, COP27 seeks renewed solidarity between countries, to deliver on the landmark Paris Agreement, for people and the planet." - UN.

The urgency for collective action to cut carbon emissions has never been greater. Find out more about the goals of COP27.

COP27 and the University of Nottingham

The university is dedicated to tackling climate change, with commitments to reduce emissions, improve environmental sustainability and support Nottingham’s aims to be a net zero carbon city. But we need your help in achieving these ambitions. 

Researchers from the university are sharing blogs, podcasts and insights into their climate change work. You can find these on our COP27 web pages, and can follow the campaign on social media (@UoNresearch and @UoN_Institute).

Throughout COP27 we are highlighting how our staff and students can get involved and make a difference. There are events to join and activities to take part in, see below.

Follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook to stay up to date with all our activities.

University events during COP27
Tackling the climate crisis

Climate Crisis talks - 7-9pm Tuesdays from 8 November to 13 December

The University of Nottingham Students' Union are hosting a series of weekly Climate Crisis talks, in the style of ‘TED Talks’, with climate activist and ex MP Alan Simpson. Each talk will outline new thinking needed to avert the worst outcomes and the re-founding of meaningful democracies that must come with it.

Come along and be part of the solution, Now is the time for radical change! These talks are FREE and open to all.

Calculate your environmental footprint

You may be surprised which areas of your life have the biggest environmental impact. And what’s more there might be some easy things you can do to make a change and make a difference.

Read our sustainable living guide 

To help, we’ve pulled together this handy guide to get you started with what you can do to take action to live more sustainably every day.

Energy and the cost of living crisis

Energy saving with Green Rewards

UoN, NTU and all Nottingham councils have set a joint target to avoid 4,450kg CO2 in November by ‘switching off’ and saving energy through Green Rewards. Take part in the challenge by simply recording the energy saving measures you have done each week via the go! Switch Off activity.

Check out the other activities on Green Rewards for tips on saving energy, saving money and reducing your carbon footprint. 

Halls sustainability festival and energy competition

If you live in halls, take part in the annual energy saving competition – Go! Switch Off Halls Competition. The hall that saves the most energy each term will win a prize. 

Come to our sustainability festivals being held across campuses in collaboration with ResX.  Learn more about the climate crisis, COP27 and how you can make a difference. We’ll also be joined by student societies and local groups with seed bomb and tote bag making activities. 

  • University Park @ Derby Hall – 7 November, 6-8pm
  • Jubilee @ The Atrium – 10 November, 6-8pm
  • Sutton Bonington @ The Nest – 14 November, 6-8pm

Refurbished bike sales - throughout November

Nottingham Bikeworks are holding a number bike sales throughout November alongside the regular Dr Bike sessions. Fully serviced, second hand bikes are available for as little as £80 to help you travel to campus sustainably and save some money too.

  • 3 November, 10am-2pm - David Ross Sports Centre
  • 10 November, 10am-2pm - George Green Library quad
  • 17 November, 9am-1pm - Derby Road entrace to Jubilee campus
The nature emergency

Conservation on campusWednesday afternoons

Wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate. So much so that some are calling it the next mass extinction event. But we can reverse this. Our campuses have a diverse range of habitats that support many species. The university grounds team are leaving more and more areas of campus to grow wild, encouraging wildlife and biodiversity. You can help. Join weekly conservation sessions with the grounds team and student conservation society.

  • 9 November, 1-3pm – Bulb planting on University Park. BYO gloves if you have some. Meet outside the front of the Psychology building.
  • 16 November 1.30-3pm - Bulb planting on Jubilee. BYO gloves if you have some. Meet next to the lake between the Dearing building and Business School South.

Hedgehog Friendly Campus Litter pick - 12.30-1pm, Tuesday 15 November - POSTPONED DUE TO BAD WEATHER

Hedgehogs are covered in thousands of spines, making them vulnerable to becoming trapped in litter. Unfortunately, many hedgehogs die every year because of this.

Join the UoN Hedgehog Friendly Campus Group on a litter pick on University Park. meet on the steps outside the Portland building (opposite the lake).

 Nottingham Trent University are hosting several COP27 themed events that are open to all as part of their Green Week activities. Find out more.


Leading the charge Landscape

Posted on Thursday 3rd November 2022

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
