Bus services

Yellow bus

Buses to our campuses

A number of bus services run between Nottingham city centre and our campuses at University Park, Jubilee, Sutton Bonington and King's Meadow. See the lists below for routes and timetables. 

If you're travelling by bus to University Park, the Medical School or Jubilee Campus, then use the NCT bus map and Trent Barton bus map to see which services stop closest to your destination on campus. 

Some bus operators do not give change so make sure you have the correct fare, or use contactless payments.


University Park Campus and Queen's Medical Centre (QMC)


Jubilee Campus


Sutton Bonington Campus


King's Meadow Campus


Royal Derby Hospital Centre

Nottingham City Hospital


Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Email: sustainability@nottingham.ac.uk