School of Medicine
A researcher looking at cells under a microscope

Stem Cell Biology

The Stem Cell Glycobiology Group (SCG) benefits from wide-ranging collaborations both within Nottingham and externally.  For several years, we have developed technologies to allow researchers to investigate the structure/function relationships underpinning glycosaminoglycan biology. 

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are linear polysaccharides, ubiquitous in the body, that perform a multitude of both structural and information-carrying roles in maintaining health and also in disease/ageing.

Cathy Merry leads the group and has a joint position with the University of Uppsala in Sweden, working closely with Prof. Lena Kjellèn.

We currently have three main areas active in the group:

Using stem cells and developmental models to understand glycosaminoglycan structure and function.
Developing synthetic matrices to probe the role of glycosaminoglycans in cell-matrix interactions.
Innovating in methods to study glycosaminoglycans in the pericellular matrix

Study Stem Cell Biology

Researcher using a specialised piece of equipment

Stem Cell Technology and Regenerative Medicine MSc


If you are interested in Stem Cell Glycobiology hosting your fellowship or an independently funded PhD, please get in touch.

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

Contacts: Call 0115 823 0031 ext.30031 or please see our 'contact us' page for further details